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Field office of US Social Security Administration. Provides intake and services relating to: retirement benefits, survivors benefits, Medicare benefits and Supplemental Security Income. Persons requiring original or replacement copies of Social Security cards apply here. Toll free number does not connect to this office. Appointments, though, may be made with this office through toll free number. At 1-800-772-1213, callers may use automated telephone service to obtain recorded information and conduct some business 24 hours daily. If unable to address business through automated services, callers may speak to a representative between 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
Field office of US Social Security Administration. Provides intake and services relating to: retirement benefits, survivors benefits, Medicare benefits and Supplemental Security Income. Persons requiring original or replacement copies of Social Security cards apply here. Toll free number does not connect to this office. Appointments, though, may be made with this office through toll free number. At 1-800-772-1213, callers may use automated telephone service to obtain recorded information and conduct some business 24 hours daily. If unable to address business through automated services, callers may speak to a representative between 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
Social Security Numbers
Retirement Benefits
Disability Benefits
Administers the social security retirement, disability and survivors benefit programs. We are also responsible for determining entitlement to Medicare and eligibility for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. SSI is a benefit program for the blind, disabled and those ages 65 or older and who have little or no income and resources. Clients may now apply online for certain benefits, see if they qualify, estimate future benefits, change address and/or phone number. Please see web site for more information. Main office Charlottesville: (866) 613-3959 For the Toll-free National number, please call (800)772-1213. For Medicare Information, please call (800)633-4227.
Administers the social security retirement, disability and survivors benefit programs. We are also responsible for determining entitlement to Medicare and eligibility for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. SSI is a benefit program for the blind, disabled and those ages 65 or older and who have little or no income and resources. Clients may now apply online for certain benefits, see if they qualify, estimate future benefits, change address and/or phone number. Please see web site for more information. Main office Charlottesville: (866) 613-3959 For the Toll-free National number, please call (800)772-1213. For Medicare Information, please call (800)633-4227.
Social Security Numbers
Retirement Benefits
Disability Benefits
To serve injured workers, victims of crimes, employers, and related industries by providing exceptional services, resolving disputes, and faithfully executing the duties entrusted to us by the Commonwealth of Virginia.
To serve injured workers, victims of crimes, employers, and related industries by providing exceptional services, resolving disputes, and faithfully executing the duties entrusted to us by the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Disability Benefits
Field office of US Social Security Administration. Provides intake and services relating to: retirement benefits, survivors benefits, Medicare benefits and Supplemental Security Income. Persons requiring original or replacement copies of Social Security cards apply here. Toll free number does not connect to this office. Appointments, though, may be made with this office through toll free number. At 1-800-772-1213, callers may use automated telephone service to obtain recorded information and conduct some business 24 hours daily. If unable to address business through automated services, callers may speak to a representative between 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
Field office of US Social Security Administration. Provides intake and services relating to: retirement benefits, survivors benefits, Medicare benefits and Supplemental Security Income. Persons requiring original or replacement copies of Social Security cards apply here. Toll free number does not connect to this office. Appointments, though, may be made with this office through toll free number. At 1-800-772-1213, callers may use automated telephone service to obtain recorded information and conduct some business 24 hours daily. If unable to address business through automated services, callers may speak to a representative between 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
Survivors Insurance
Social Security Numbers
Retirement Benefits
Disability Benefits
Provides Social Security/Supplemental Security Income Benefits, processes claims for approval or denial, maintains beneficiary rolls, earnings records maintenance, and issues Social Security numbers/cards. Processes Medicare applications and answers questions regarding Medicare.
Provides Social Security/Supplemental Security Income Benefits, processes claims for approval or denial, maintains beneficiary rolls, earnings records maintenance, and issues Social Security numbers/cards. Processes Medicare applications and answers questions regarding Medicare.
Retirement Benefits
Benefits Screening
Survivors Insurance
Disability Benefits
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or "Disability" provides monthly payments to people who have a disability that stops or limits their ability to work.
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or "Disability" provides monthly payments to people who have a disability that stops or limits their ability to work.
Disability Benefits
The UMWA 1974 Pension Plan, the UMWA 1993 Benefit Plan and the Cash Deferred Savings Plan were established through periodic collective bargaining between the United Mine Workers of America and the Bituminous Coal Operators Association, Inc. The Combined Benefit Fund and the 1992 Benefit Plan were established by Congress in the Coal Industry Retiree Health Benefit Act of 1992 (Coal Act). A separate Board of Trustees administers each of the five plans. FUNDS' Call Center: 800-291-1425 Administration: 202-521-2200 Provider Services Claims: 888-865-5290 Precertification: 800-292-2288 Pharmacy: 800-294-4741
The UMWA 1974 Pension Plan, the UMWA 1993 Benefit Plan and the Cash Deferred Savings Plan were established through periodic collective bargaining between the United Mine Workers of America and the Bituminous Coal Operators Association, Inc. The Combined Benefit Fund and the 1992 Benefit Plan were established by Congress in the Coal Industry Retiree Health Benefit Act of 1992 (Coal Act). A separate Board of Trustees administers each of the five plans. FUNDS' Call Center: 800-291-1425 Administration: 202-521-2200 Provider Services Claims: 888-865-5290 Precertification: 800-292-2288 Pharmacy: 800-294-4741
Disability Benefits
Health Insurance Information/Counseling
Survivors Insurance
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or "Disability" provides monthly payments to people who have a disability that stops or limits their ability to work.
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or "Disability" provides monthly payments to people who have a disability that stops or limits their ability to work.
Disability Benefits
The Workers' Compensation Program processes claims and monitors the payment of benefits to injured private-sector employees in the District of Columbia. The office mediates disputes between claimants and employers (or their insurance carriers), and monitors employers to ensure compliance with insurance coverage requirements. The program also administers the special/second injury fund, which provides benefits in cases of uninsured employers or in instances where an injury combines with a pre-existing disability to cause a substantially greater disability. The Workers' Comp office also approves lump-sum settlements, assesses penalties and fines for non-compliance with the law, and monitors vocational rehabilitation.
The Workers' Compensation Program processes claims and monitors the payment of benefits to injured private-sector employees in the District of Columbia. The office mediates disputes between claimants and employers (or their insurance carriers), and monitors employers to ensure compliance with insurance coverage requirements. The program also administers the special/second injury fund, which provides benefits in cases of uninsured employers or in instances where an injury combines with a pre-existing disability to cause a substantially greater disability. The Workers' Comp office also approves lump-sum settlements, assesses penalties and fines for non-compliance with the law, and monitors vocational rehabilitation.
Disability Benefits
Field office of US Social Security Administration. Provides intake and services relating to: retirement benefits, survivors benefits, Medicare benefits and Supplemental Security Income. Persons requiring original or replacement copies of Social Security cards apply here. Toll free number does not connect to this office. Appointments, though, may be made with this office through toll free number. At 1-800-772-1213, callers may use automated telephone service to obtain recorded information and conduct some business 24 hours daily. If unable to address business through automated services, callers may speak to a representative between 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
Field office of US Social Security Administration. Provides intake and services relating to: retirement benefits, survivors benefits, Medicare benefits and Supplemental Security Income. Persons requiring original or replacement copies of Social Security cards apply here. Toll free number does not connect to this office. Appointments, though, may be made with this office through toll free number. At 1-800-772-1213, callers may use automated telephone service to obtain recorded information and conduct some business 24 hours daily. If unable to address business through automated services, callers may speak to a representative between 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
Social Security Numbers
Retirement Benefits
Disability Benefits
Administers the social security retirement, disability and survivors benefit programs. We are also responsible for determining entitlement to Medicare and eligibility for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. SSI is a benefit program for the blind, disabled and those ages 65 or older and who have little or no income and resources. Clients may now apply online for certain benefits, see if they qualify, estimate future benefits, change address and/or phone number. Please see web site for more information.
Administers the social security retirement, disability and survivors benefit programs. We are also responsible for determining entitlement to Medicare and eligibility for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. SSI is a benefit program for the blind, disabled and those ages 65 or older and who have little or no income and resources. Clients may now apply online for certain benefits, see if they qualify, estimate future benefits, change address and/or phone number. Please see web site for more information.
Disability Benefits
Retirement Benefits
Survivors Insurance
Social Security Numbers
Provides Social Security/Supplemental Security Income Benefits, processes claims for approval or denial, maintains beneficiary rolls, earnings records maintenance, and issues Social Security numbers/cards. Processes Medicare applications and answers questions regarding Medicare.
Provides Social Security/Supplemental Security Income Benefits, processes claims for approval or denial, maintains beneficiary rolls, earnings records maintenance, and issues Social Security numbers/cards. Processes Medicare applications and answers questions regarding Medicare.
Retirement Benefits
Benefits Screening
Disability Benefits
Survivors Insurance
Provides Social Security benefits to people who cannot work because they have a medical condition that has lasted one year, is expected to last at least one year, or result in death. Federal law requires this very strict definition of disability. Certain family members of disabled workers may also be eligible for benefits on a case by case basis.
Provides Social Security benefits to people who cannot work because they have a medical condition that has lasted one year, is expected to last at least one year, or result in death. Federal law requires this very strict definition of disability. Certain family members of disabled workers may also be eligible for benefits on a case by case basis.
Disability Benefits
Provide social security and supplemental security income payments, Medicare, information, literature - available free. Purpose is administration of Social Security and Supplemental Security Income Programs.
Provide social security and supplemental security income payments, Medicare, information, literature - available free. Purpose is administration of Social Security and Supplemental Security Income Programs.
Social Security Numbers
Retirement Benefits
Disability Benefits
Provides Social Security/Supplemental Security Income Benefits, processes claims for approval or denial, maintains beneficiary rolls, earnings records maintenance, and issues Social Security numbers/cards. Processes Medicare applications and answers questions regarding Medicare.
Provides Social Security/Supplemental Security Income Benefits, processes claims for approval or denial, maintains beneficiary rolls, earnings records maintenance, and issues Social Security numbers/cards. Processes Medicare applications and answers questions regarding Medicare.
Retirement Benefits
Disability Benefits
Benefits Screening
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or "Disability" provides monthly payments to people who have a disability that stops or limits their ability to work.
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or "Disability" provides monthly payments to people who have a disability that stops or limits their ability to work.
Retirement Benefits
Disability Benefits
Provides Social Security benefits to people who cannot work because they have a medical condition that is expected to last at least one year or result in death. Federal law requires this very strict definition of disability. Certain family members of disabled workers may also be eligible for benefits on a case by case basis.
Provides Social Security benefits to people who cannot work because they have a medical condition that is expected to last at least one year or result in death. Federal law requires this very strict definition of disability. Certain family members of disabled workers may also be eligible for benefits on a case by case basis.
Disability Benefits
To serve injured workers, victims of crimes, employers, and related industries by providing exceptional services, resolving disputes, and faithfully executing the duties entrusted to us by the Commonwealth of Virginia.
To serve injured workers, victims of crimes, employers, and related industries by providing exceptional services, resolving disputes, and faithfully executing the duties entrusted to us by the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Disability Benefits
Field office of US Social Security Administration. Provides intake and services relating to: retirement benefits, survivors benefits, Medicare benefits and Supplemental Security Income. Persons requiring original or replacement copies of Social Security cards apply here. Toll free number does not connect to this office. Appointments, though, may be made with this office through toll free number. At 1-800-772-1213, callers may use automated telephone service to obtain recorded information and conduct some business 24 hours daily. If unable to address business through automated services, callers may speak to a representative between 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
Field office of US Social Security Administration. Provides intake and services relating to: retirement benefits, survivors benefits, Medicare benefits and Supplemental Security Income. Persons requiring original or replacement copies of Social Security cards apply here. Toll free number does not connect to this office. Appointments, though, may be made with this office through toll free number. At 1-800-772-1213, callers may use automated telephone service to obtain recorded information and conduct some business 24 hours daily. If unable to address business through automated services, callers may speak to a representative between 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
Retirement Benefits
Disability Benefits
Social Security Numbers
Provides health insurance for the aged, disability, retirement and survivors insurance and other financial aid programs.
Provides health insurance for the aged, disability, retirement and survivors insurance and other financial aid programs.
Disability Benefits
Benefits Screening
Survivors Insurance
Retirement Benefits
Field office of US Social Security Administration. Provides intake and services relating to: retirement benefits, survivors benefits, Medicare benefits and Supplemental Security Income. Persons requiring original or replacement copies of Social Security cards apply here. Toll free number does not connect to this office. Appointments, though, may be made with this office through toll free number. At 1-800-772-1213, callers may use automated telephone service to obtain recorded information and conduct some business 24 hours daily. If unable to address business through automated services, callers may speak to a representative between 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
Field office of US Social Security Administration. Provides intake and services relating to: retirement benefits, survivors benefits, Medicare benefits and Supplemental Security Income. Persons requiring original or replacement copies of Social Security cards apply here. Toll free number does not connect to this office. Appointments, though, may be made with this office through toll free number. At 1-800-772-1213, callers may use automated telephone service to obtain recorded information and conduct some business 24 hours daily. If unable to address business through automated services, callers may speak to a representative between 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
Retirement Benefits
Disability Benefits
Social Security Numbers
Administer all programs under Social Security Administration.
Administer all programs under Social Security Administration.
Retirement Benefits
Benefits Screening
Social Security Numbers
Burial Benefits
Disability Benefits
To serve injured workers, victims of crimes, employers, and related industries by providing exceptional services, resolving disputes, and faithfully executing the duties entrusted to us by the Commonwealth of Virginia.
To serve injured workers, victims of crimes, employers, and related industries by providing exceptional services, resolving disputes, and faithfully executing the duties entrusted to us by the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Disability Benefits
Provides Social Security benefits to people who cannot work because they have a medical condition that is expected to last at least one year or result in death. Federal law requires this very strict definition of disability. Certain family members of disabled workers may also be eligible for benefits on a case by case basis.
Provides Social Security benefits to people who cannot work because they have a medical condition that is expected to last at least one year or result in death. Federal law requires this very strict definition of disability. Certain family members of disabled workers may also be eligible for benefits on a case by case basis.
Disability Benefits
Assists blinded veterans to obtain vocational rehabilitation services and medical benefits through the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA). Provides information on disability compensation and pensions through the BVA Bulletin and regional groups. Offers emotional support and counseling through field service representatives, who are blinded veterans that serve as mentors and assist others in the VA claims process. Represent blinded veterans before Congress and VA.
Assists blinded veterans to obtain vocational rehabilitation services and medical benefits through the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA). Provides information on disability compensation and pensions through the BVA Bulletin and regional groups. Offers emotional support and counseling through field service representatives, who are blinded veterans that serve as mentors and assist others in the VA claims process. Represent blinded veterans before Congress and VA.
Benefits Assistance
Information Sources
Disability Benefits