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Community Transition services help individuals move from institutions back into their homes and integrate with the community in which they live.
Additiional Languages Spoken, DARI & FARSI.
Community Transition services help individuals move from institutions back into their homes and integrate with the community in which they live.
Additiional Languages Spoken, DARI & FARSI.
Nursing Home Transition Financing Programs
A supplement to income for recipients of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and certain other aged, individuals who are blind or disabled residing in a licensed assisted living facility or an approved adult foster care home.
A supplement to income for recipients of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and certain other aged, individuals who are blind or disabled residing in a licensed assisted living facility or an approved adult foster care home.
Nursing Home Transition Financing Programs
Home/Community Care Financing Programs
There are several Medical Assistance Programs offered in Virginia. Each program covers different groups of people and each program has different eligibility requirements. When someone applies for Medical Assistance, they are screened for all possible programs based on your age, income, financial resources, and other information. To be eligible for a Medical Assistance Program, a person must meet the financial and non-financial eligibility conditions for that program. Medicaid programs include: *Children under age 19; *Parents and caretakers of dependent children; *Pregnant women; *Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients; * Adults aged 65 or older, blind or disabled (not receiving SSI); *Children or adults who need long term care in a facility or home or who need community based care (Waiver) services; *Medicare beneficiaries; *Plan First - People who need family planning services; *Breast and cervical cancer early detection program.
There are several Medical Assistance Programs offered in Virginia. Each program covers different groups of people and each program has different eligibility requirements. When someone applies for Medical Assistance, they are screened for all possible programs based on your age, income, financial resources, and other information. To be eligible for a Medical Assistance Program, a person must meet the financial and non-financial eligibility conditions for that program. Medicaid programs include: *Children under age 19; *Parents and caretakers of dependent children; *Pregnant women; *Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients; * Adults aged 65 or older, blind or disabled (not receiving SSI); *Children or adults who need long term care in a facility or home or who need community based care (Waiver) services; *Medicare beneficiaries; *Plan First - People who need family planning services; *Breast and cervical cancer early detection program.
Nursing Home Transition Financing Programs
Adult Services are provided to disabled persons who are eighteen years of age and older and to persons sixty years or older. Adult Services includes the provision of case management, home-based companion services, screening for Medicaid community-based care and nursing home placement, screening for admission to Assisted Living Facilities, and other activities to aid the adult and their family.
Adult Services are provided to disabled persons who are eighteen years of age and older and to persons sixty years or older. Adult Services includes the provision of case management, home-based companion services, screening for Medicaid community-based care and nursing home placement, screening for admission to Assisted Living Facilities, and other activities to aid the adult and their family.
Case/Care Management
Nursing Home Transition Financing Programs
Home/Community Care Financing Programs
Homemaker Assistance
Personal Care
Provides case management, assessment and direct services to Virginia's citizens who have disabilities or who are age 60 plus. Specific services include: Home-based services (companion, chore, and homemaker services); Adult foster care; Adult day care; Case management; Nutrition; Assessment for assisted living facility applicants and residents; Participation on nursing home pre admission screening teams.
Provides case management, assessment and direct services to Virginia's citizens who have disabilities or who are age 60 plus. Specific services include: Home-based services (companion, chore, and homemaker services); Adult foster care; Adult day care; Case management; Nutrition; Assessment for assisted living facility applicants and residents; Participation on nursing home pre admission screening teams.
Case/Care Management
Home/Community Care Financing Programs
Nursing Home Transition Financing Programs
Adult Day Programs
Personal Care
Money provided to the aged, individuals who are blind, and disabled individuals who reside in a licensed home for adults. The money received is used to pay for their care. Eligible persons may also receive Medicaid.
Money provided to the aged, individuals who are blind, and disabled individuals who reside in a licensed home for adults. The money received is used to pay for their care. Eligible persons may also receive Medicaid.
Nursing Home Transition Financing Programs
Home/Community Care Financing Programs
Provides case management, assessment and direct services to Virginia's citizens who have disabilities or who are over the age of 60. Specific services include home based services (companion, chore, homemaker services), adult foster care, adult day care, case management, nutrition, assistance for assisted living applicants and residents, and participation on nursing home preadmission screening teams.
Provides case management, assessment and direct services to Virginia's citizens who have disabilities or who are over the age of 60. Specific services include home based services (companion, chore, homemaker services), adult foster care, adult day care, case management, nutrition, assistance for assisted living applicants and residents, and participation on nursing home preadmission screening teams.
Case/Care Management
Nursing Home Transition Financing Programs
Adult Day Programs
Homemaker Assistance
For Aged and Disabled. Used for payments to Homes for Aged, etc.
For Aged and Disabled. Used for payments to Homes for Aged, etc.
Home/Community Care Financing Programs
Nursing Home Transition Financing Programs