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AmeriCorps members and AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers support nonprofit, faith-based, and community organizations across the country in a variety of ways. AmeriCorps supports organizations by providing people power and funding. Virginia Service Commission helps organizations access AmeriCorps resources and bring people power to their communities.
Volunteer Services place volunteers of all ages and backgrounds into challenging, rewarding and interesting volunteer opportunities.
Offers a program that fights hunger, disease, illiteracy, poverty and lack of opportunity around the world. Participants receive monthly allowances for housing, food, clothing, etc.
The Virginia Service Commission (VSC) operates within the Virginia Department of Social Services, an executive branch agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and leads national service and community volunteerism for the entire state by setting priorities for service and volunteerism, serving as catalysts and ambassadors for service, creating a sustainable infrastructure for service and volunteerism, and developing resources for the Commonwealth. In addition to overseeing the annual grant competition that awards funding to AmeriCorps State and other community service programs, VSC actively works to determine community needs, set policy and program priorities, provide training and assistance, support national days of service, promote service and volunteering, and actively recognize individuals and organizations from all sectors for their contributions within their communities . VSC is supported by the Virginia Service Foundation, an independent 501(c)(3) organization, works intimately with the Volunteer Center Network of Virginia, and is guided by the Governor's Advisory Board on Service and Volunteerism. The Virginia Service Commission regularly offers training for nonrpofit organizations in volunteer management, connects partners across the sector, facilitates the Virginia Volunteer Center Network and more.
Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia offers a variety of volunteer opportunities for persons 18+.


Volunteer Development
Volunteer Service Programs
RSVP connect volunteers age 55 and over to non-profits across the community. RSVP serves as a gathering place for older adults to socialize, participate in group service projects, and work toward the common goal of making Northern Virginia stronger, more resilient, and empowered. RSVP (Retired & Senior Volunteer Program) is part of AmeriCorps Seniors, which focuses on making public service a central part of the American experience.


Volunteer Service Programs
Volunteer Development
FRIENDS is a membership and volunteer organization along with our chapters members who work within the communities they represent Recruit volunteers - groups or individuals to work on community projects Works to protect the Blue Ridge Region.


Environmental Beautification
Volunteer Service Programs
Community Action/Social Advocacy Groups
Trains and supervises volunteer advocates, who are available for assignment by judges in Juvenile and Domestic Relations Courts in the 23rd Judicial District. Assignments are made by judges during legal proceedings to determine a child's permanent home placement, once abuse and neglect have been determined. Once appointed, CASA volunteers conduct investigations involving fact-finding interviews with the child and the child's family, social workers with the Department of Social Services, mental health service providers, school staff, or other professionals that are involved in the child's case. The investigation also involves observation of the child in his or her environment. CASA volunteers are part of an interdisciplinary coordination to recommend a plan of action to the judge. Recommendations are made regarding services that would benefit the child and the family, and with whom the child should live. CASA volunteers prepare reports in writing for the judge, and are regularly called to testify in court proceedings regarding their recommendations. CASA volunteers submit written reports to the courts at disposition and then at each subsequent hearing. The courts circulate CASA reports to all parties in the case. CASA volunteer duties and responsibilities are defined by Virginia Statute 6VAC20-1600-60.


Child Advocacy Centers
Volunteer Service Programs
Volunteer in Lynchburg Lynchburg is a network of citizens who donate time and energy in a broad range of community services. From coaching and mentoring to neighborhood cleanup campaigns to companionship and advocacy for the elderly and youth, volunteers are making a difference in Lynchburg.
Senior citizens volunteer in classrooms to assist children with early literacy skills. We serve the areas of Williamsburg, James and York city counties, Newport News and Hampton. Volunteers serve between 20-40 hours per week and receive a non-taxable stipend of $3 per hour if they fall within the income guidelines set by the Federal government. Hold monthly in-service meetings to discuss best practices for working with children and information regarding senior living.