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Goodwill operates the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Dislocated Worker program for multiple Workforce Investment Areas in Virginia. The program is designed to provide services to assist individuals, who have lost their job due to company closing or layoff, in obtaining training and industry recognized credentials in a demand occupation and to re-enter employment in high-growth industries. Career services are offered to all dislocated workers at Virginia Workforce Centers and Satellite Offices. These services include: Job search and placement assistance, including career counseling Labor market information identifying job vacancies, skills necessary for occupations in demand, and relevant employment trends in the local, regional, and national economies Initial assessment of skills and needs Information on available services and programs Follow up services to assist in job retention Dislocated Workers can also receive assistance in training for in-demand occupations. To access training assistance, individuals must meet one of the following criteria: Has been terminated, laid off, or lost job due to company closing and is receiving or has exhausted unemployment insurance compensation Self-employed and is no longer able to maintain the business due to general economic conditions or natural disaster Displaced homemaker who has been providing unpaid services to family members in home and has been dependent on the income of another family member Training may include: Occupational skills training in an occupation that is locally in demand Skills upgrading On the job training Industry recognized credentials Pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship training Academic and career preparation for training Post-training job search assistance
Provides customers with job services, unemployment insurance services, labor market information services and employer recruitment services. Matches job seekers to employer job openings. Administers unemployment benefits for persons who have worked in Virginia and other states. Benefit claims may also be filed on the Virginia Employment Commission web site at www.VaEmploy.com or by calling toll free 1-866-832-2363. Provides information and services on other special programs such as the trade act program, alien labor certification, veterans, persons with disabilities, older workers, youth etc. These services are provided at no charge to the consumer.


WIOA Programs
Job Training Expense Assistance
Job Retraining
Employment Transition Counseling
Job Finding Assistance
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
A one-stop resource for skills assessment, career training, job placement, personalized counseling, interview and resume preparation and job search assistance. You have access to fax machines, computers, the Internet as well as interview coaching and of course, all the job listings and job fairs in the area.
The Virginia Career Works - South Boston Center advances economic growth by preparing and connecting individuals with Virginia businesses looking to hire and build a stronger workforce.


WIOA Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Offers employment services and teaches interviewing skills and resume preparation. Service includes locating training and employment in a variety of fields. Offers access to employment resources including computers for self-directed job searches. Offers a variety of job preparation and career exploration workshops, GED preparation and training through books & videos available to use on site. Provides both subsidized and unsubsidized job placements and transportation to interviews.
One-stop centers that provide an array of employment and training services.


Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
WIOA Programs
Provides employment services for those seeking full-time, part-time, temporary or permanent jobs regardless of place. Offers services to the general public, including senior citizens, disabled people, dislocated workers and people who do not qualify for federal programs. Provides use of computers with internet access for job searches and applications.


Administrative Entities
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Job Finding Assistance
WIOA Programs
A comprehensive workforce training and personal development program to help low income women gain self-confidence, transferable workforce skills, and invaluable hands-on experience which will allow them to find sustainable employment and move toward self-sufficiency. TWB's program delivery revolves around a small baking business that teaches women food production, food safety, product packaging and business administration skills. The program also covers soft skill development through daily empowerment and life skills groups.


Job Training Formats
WIOA Programs
Workforce Development Center provide services and resources for job seekers including access to a Career Center, career readiness workshops, career assessments and customized hiring events.


WIOA Programs
Job Finding Assistance
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Provide customers with job services, unemployment insurance services, labor market information services and employer recruitment services. Matches jobseekers to employer job openings. Administers unemployment benefits for persons who have worked in Virginia and other states. Benefit claims may also be filed on the Virginia Employment Commission website at www.VAWC.virginia.com or by calling toll free 1-866-832-2363. Provides information and services on other special programs such as the trade act program, alien labor certification, veterans, persons with disabilities, older workers, youth etc.


Unemployment Insurance
WIOA Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
WorkSource Enterprises also has a contract to work with students with disabilities at Charlottesville High School to find and maintain employment in the community and volunteer opportunities.
Provide customers with job services, unemployment insurance services, labor market information services and employer recruitment services. Matches job seekers to employer job openings. Administers unemployment benefits for persons who have worked in Virginia and other states. Benefit claims may also be filed on the Virginia Employment Commission website at www.vec.virginia.gov or by calling toll free 1-866-832-2363. Provides information and services on other special programs such as the trade act program, alien labor certification, veterans, persons with disabilities, older workers, youth etc.


WIOA Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
A one-stop resource for skills assessment, career training, job placement, personalized counseling, interview and resume preparation and job search assistance. You have access to fax machines, computers, the Internet as well as interview coaching and of course, all the job listings and job fairs in the area.


Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
WIOA Programs
Youth ages 16-24, who needs help with job applications, resume writing, interviewing and other work readiness skills.
WIOA Adult Goodwill operates the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult program for multiple Workforce Investment Areas in Virginia. The program is designed to help adults receive training in demand occupations and find employment. Career services are offered to all adults at Virginia Workforce Centers and Satellite Offices. These services include: Job search and placement assistance, including career counseling Labor market information identifying job vacancies, skills necessary for occupations in demand, and relevant employment trends in the local, regional, and national economies Initial assessment of skills and needs Information on available services and programs Follow up services to assist in job retention Individuals who qualify based on household income can also receive training services that provide industry recognized credentials in demand occupations in the area. Following training, individuals are assisted with finding employment. Training services include: Occupational skills training Skills upgrading On the job training Pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship training Academic and career preparation for training In limited cases, help with transportation and child care to attend training
The centers offer employment guidance, training, and placement services to job seekers and employers throughout the Metro-Richmond region. Information and referrals to community and partner resources are also available to customers.


WIOA Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
The centers offer employment guidance, training, and placement services to job seekers and employers throughout the Metro-Richmond region. Information and referrals to community and partner resources are also available to customers.


Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
WIOA Programs
Provides business, industry, and government with a single source for training and development to enhance the skills of your workforce. For individuals, we offer a schedule of classes for just-in-time learning, career enhancement, or new skills development.
Virginia's Community Colleges align education and economic development to extend workforce development courses, training and programs into the community. WDS prepares the emerging workforce by providing students with greater access to career options; serves employers through flexible and customized training; and, offers portable skills and credentials to the the incumbent and displaced workforce.


WIOA Programs
Job Training Formats
Continuing Education
A one-stop resource for skills assessment, career training, job placement, personalized counseling, interview and resume preparation and job search assistance. You have access to fax machines, computers, the Internet as well as interview coaching and of course, all the job listings and job fairs in the area.


WIOA Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
A job search facility where the public has access to job leads, the internet, fax machine, office equipment and newspapers. Also offers employment workshops, resume assistance, career guidance and assessments. Also implements Workforce Investment Opportunity Act, WIOA, eligibility and provides training when appropriate.
Provides job search assistance to individuals, and recruiting and referral services to employers. Services available to workers include job referral and placement, referral to training, and job search skill building activities. VEC staff can assist employers by screening and referring applicants for job vacancies, providing critical labor market information for business and economic planning, and coordinating Employer Advisory Committee activities across the state.


WIOA Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Job Finding Assistance
The centers offer employment guidance, training, and placement services to job seekers and employers throughout the Metro-Richmond region. Information and referrals to community and partner resources are also available to customers.


Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
WIOA Programs
The program tailors employment and training services to meet dislocated workers' needs; works with workers and firms facing substantial layoffs; and encourages labor, management, and community partnerships with government to address worker dislocation. Dislocated workers are eligible for services such as skill assessment, labor market information, job search and job placement assistance. Additional services are available for eligible dislocated workers who need additional help in getting jobs. The sequence of services is individualized and may include more intensive assessments, counseling, and prevocational and vocational training.
Provides access to a wide range of employment and training services through Virginia Workforce Centers.


Job Finding Assistance
WIOA Programs
Unemployment Insurance
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers