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Provides employment supports to a variety of customers in community based settings, including: people with mild to severe disabilities and people with economic challenges. Services include: supported employment, job development and placement, job coach training services, situational assessment, life skills training, and social security benefits management services. Supports a variety of customers in community based settings, including people with mild to severe disabilities, people with economic challenges, for example, TANF recipients, and people with medical concerns.


Welfare to Work Programs
Supported Employment
Ticket to Work/Self Sufficiency Program
Assists and requires TANF recipients to enter job market and maintain employment.
This program offers case management and support services to Loudoun County residents who are or have been, within the last 12 months, recipients of TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families). This program provides the following and other services so that families can gain and maintain stability: Crisis Intervention Educational Opportunities Job Search Support Training Transportation Other Services
TANF clients and others enrolled in the VIEW program receive assessment, job leads, job placement, budgeting information, day care assistance, and counseling to support work, training and education. Also offers some emergency need assistance. Clients may also receive help with child day care costs and transportation. A TANF recipient may still get a TANF check even if they are working. A family who has someone in the VIEW program may receive TANF for no longer than 24 months followed by a period of ineligibility. A TANF applicant must cooperate in naming the parents of all eligible children and must help establish paternity for each of them. Call the Culpeper Human Services screening and referral intake center (Sam's Place) for eligibility and required documentation.


Welfare to Work Programs
Economic Self Sufficiency Programs
Employment program for TANF recipient. Part of the Statewide Welfare Reform Program.
The provision of employment related services for eligible individuals receiving SNAP and TANF to assist client in entering and retaining employment. Upon assessment of employment needs, individuals may receive job skills training, on-the-job training, community work experience, job readiness training, job search and /or educational services. Assistance with transportation, day care and other work related expenses may available to those who qualify.
Provides support services to TANF clients who must be involved in work activity. Provides case management and purchased services such as transportation assistance, child day care and counseling to support work, training and education. Most able-bodied adult TANF recipients are required to participate in the Virginia Initiative for Employment Not Welfare (VIEW) program. VIEW is the work program that requires able-bodied parents to work. A family taking part in VIEW will receive help in finding a job.
Provides employment opportunities to people who participate in the TANF program. The employment services program allows people to achieve economic independence by removing work barriers; obtain work skills necessary for self-sufficiency; contribute materially to their own self-sufficiency; and obtain work experience.
Employment activities are offered through the TANF and Food Stamp programs to assist participants with self-sufficiency goals. Activities include job search, education training, work experience and other services designed to enhance employability.
VIEW (Virginia Initiative for Employment Not Welfare) program that implements the welfare-to-work process for clients mandated to participate.
There are two primary components to the Employment Services Program: 1) Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Training Program (JOBS) - Anyone who receives TANF and is not exempt for one reason or another will be referred to the JOBS Program. Must participate 20 hours per week in their assigned activity. 2) SNAP Employment and Training Program (SNAPET) - Eligible recipients who receive Food Stamps that are not exempt will be referred to the SNAPET Program. Scheduled to participate in an activity based in their assistance and the minimum wage. These programs offer opportunities in education, job skills training, work experience, job readiness training, and other locally developed activities in support of customers becoming self-sufficient.


Ticket to Work/Self Sufficiency Program
Welfare to Work Programs
Offers temporary payments to needy persons caring for related children under 18 (or if 18, will graduate from high school before age 19) who need support due to death, disability, absence of parent(s) and sometimes employment. Offers limited aid to unrelated children. Call for information on eligibility requirements and required documentation. Provides employment services to recipients, upon approval, through the Virginia Initiative for Employment Not Welfare Program (VIEW Program). Call for information on eligibility requirements and required documentation.
Offers assessment, job placement, job retention services, supportive case management includes direct service and referral to community resources. TANF clients enrolled in the VIEW program receive assessment, job leads, job placement, budgeting information, day care assistance, and counseling to support work, training and education. Also offers some emergency need assistance.
The Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare (VIEW) is a program providing employment, education, and training opportunities to recipients of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF).
Assistance with referrals to employers, Virginia's Workforce Center, educational training, support services, tuition assistance, on-the-job training,testing fees, and child care services.
VIEW (Virginia Initiative for Education and Work) is an employment program for recipients of TANF. All customers receiving TANF whose youngest child is 18 months old or older are required to work for pay or to participate in work activities in order to keep receiving TANF benefits. Social Services offers many types of employment support services to TANF recipients.
Program assists individuals and families with job opportunities. Services provided include Virginia Initiative for Employment Not Welfare (VIEW), Food Stamp Employment and Training (FSET), intensive case management, and Project FIND. Also offers assistance with employability assessments, job counseling/coaching, job search activities, job placement, job readiness training, job retention assistance, education and skills training, and computer lab facilities.


Welfare to Work Programs
Ticket to Work/Self Sufficiency Program
VIEW (Virginia Initiative for Employment Not Welfare) program implements the welfare-to-work process for customers mandated to participate. The VIEW team guides welfare customers in transitioning from welfare to work and, ultimately, self-sufficiency. VIEW social workers ensure that customers comply with the work requirements while providing case management, crisis intervention, and supportive services to assist in overcoming barriers.
The Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare program emphasizes personal responsibility. VIEW participants may be provided with services such as job skills training, work experience, job readiness training, child care assistance, transportation and other work related expenses.
The Virginia Initiative for Education and Work program assists individuals on public assistance (i.e. TANF, Food Stamps) find permanent employment.
The Southwestern Virginia Regional Employment Coalition places participants at non-profits to help them gain skills and work experience. Application completion, résumé writing, communication, and time management skills are also taught as needed.


Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Welfare to Work Programs
Persons receiving TANF must complete employment activities provided through the VIEW program.
VIEW (Virginia Initiative for Employment Not Welfare) program that implements the welfare-to-work process for customers mandated to participate.
Services provided to help those receiving public assistance become employed and self-sufficient.
Serves individuals who currently receive Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and are eligible to work. An individual is limited to 24 months of TANF benefits. Helps to enhance the participant's ability to become self-sufficient by removing barriers such as lack of day care, lack of adequate transportation and homelessness.