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Offers a cost-effective system for training employees in a variety of occupations that require a wide range of skill and knowledge. Offers on the job training apprenticeship program.
Offers a cost-effective system for training employees in a variety of occupations that require a wide range of skill and knowledge. Offers on the job training apprenticeship program.
Academic, career and financial aid information for adults seeking to participate in higher education. Their purpose is to assist individuals in identifying job interests and skill levels. They also help a person develop goals for short/long term training, employment and education; assist in gaining the skills needed for success in today's workplace. Locating sources for financial aid and completing the applications through one on one appointments or group presentations.


Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Job Development
Continuing Education
Offers a cost-effective system for training employees in a variety of occupations that require a wide range of skill and knowledge. Offers on the job training apprenticeship program.