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Offers an affirmative industry providing employment and employment services for persons with disabilities. VECTOR Industries offers training and jobs in


Supported Employment
Employment Transition Counseling
Job Situations
Job Training Formats
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Job Training Expense Assistance
Occupation Specific Job Training
Provides customers with job services, unemployment insurance services, labor market information services and employer recruitment services. Matches job seekers to employer job openings. Administers unemployment benefits for persons who have worked in Virginia and other states. Benefit claims may also be filed on the Virginia Employment Commission web site at www.VaEmploy.com or by calling toll free 1-866-832-2363. Provides information and services on other special programs such as the trade act program, alien labor certification, veterans, persons with disabilities, older workers, youth etc. These services are provided at no charge to the consumer.


WIOA Programs
Job Retraining
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Employment Transition Counseling
Job Finding Assistance
Job Training Expense Assistance