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Person-centered Options Counseling is an interactive decision support process where people are supported in making long-term support choices that reflect their unique preferences, strenghts, needs, values, and circumstances. Options Counseling is provided by individuals trained and practicing according to Virginia's Statewide Standards.
Person-centered Options Counseling is an interactive decision support process where people are supported in making long-term support choices that reflect their unique preferences, strenghts, needs, values, and circumstances. Options Counseling is provided by individuals trained and practicing according to Virginia's Statewide Standards.
Person-centered Options Counseling is an interactive decision support process where people are supported in making long-term support choices that reflect their unique preferences, strenghts, needs, values, and circumstances. Options Counseling is provided by individuals trained and practicing according to Virginia's Statewide Standards.
Provides decision support whereby individuals, with support from family members, caregivers, and/or significant others, are supported in their deliberations to make informed long-term support choices in the context of the individual's preferences, strengths, needs, values and individual circumstances. MEOC is a No Wrong Door agency.


Case/Care Management
Long Term Care Options Counseling
Person-centered Options Counseling is an interactive decision support process where people are supported in making long-term support choices that reflect their unique preferences, strenghts, needs, values, and circumstances. Options Counseling is provided by individuals trained and practicing according to Virginia's Statewide Standards.
Person-centered Options Counseling is an interactive decision support process where people are supported in making long-term support choices that reflect their unique preferences, strengths, needs, values, and circumstances. Options Counseling is provided by individuals trained and practicing according to Virginia's Statewide Standards.
Person-centered Options Counseling is an interactive decision support process where people are supported in making long-term support choices that reflect their unique preferences, strengths, needs, values, and circumstances. Options Counseling is provided by individuals trained and practicing according to Virginia's Statewide Standards.
Person-centered Options Counseling is an interactive decision support process where people are supported in making long-term support choices that reflect their unique preferences, strenghts, needs, values, and circumstances. Options Counseling is provided by individuals trained and practicing according to Virginia's Statewide Standards.
Performed in home by a public health nurse and adult services social worker for patients needing assessment of care level needed and as a prerequisite of nursing home placement. Consumers can choose to receive community based services rather than nursing facility based services if they meet the eligibility after the screening. The Medicaid Waiver programs may pay for community based services.


Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Long Term Care Options Counseling
Person-centered Options Counseling is an interactive decision support process where people are supported in making long-term support choices that reflect their unique preferences, strengths, needs, values, and circumstances. Options Counseling is provided by individuals trained and practicing according to Virginia's Statewide Standards.
Person-centered Options Counseling is an interactive decision support process where people are supported in making long-term support choices that reflect their unique preferences, strenghts, needs, values, and circumstances. Options Counseling is provided by individuals trained and practicing according to Virginia's Statewide Standards.
Person-centered Options Counseling is an interactive decision support process where people are supported in making long-term support choices that reflect their unique preferences, strengths, needs, values, and circumstances. Options Counseling is provided by individuals trained and practicing according to Virginia's Statewide Standards.
Person-centered Options Counseling is an interactive decision support process where people are supported in making long-term support choices that reflect their unique preferences, strenghts, needs, values, and circumstances. Options Counseling is provided by individuals trained and practicing according to Virginia's Statewide Standards. A documented plan developed by the individual with the support of the Options Counselor as a result of Options Counseling that contains the individual’s goals, along with the action steps, resources needed, time lines and responsible parties to achieve the goals. Practices that focus on the preferences and needs of the individual, empower and support the individual in defining the direction for his or her life, and promote self- determination, community involvement, contributing to society and emotional, physical and spiritual health.
Person-centered Options Counseling is an interactive decision support process where people are supported in making long-term support choices that reflect their unique preferences, strengths, needs, values, and circumstances. Options Counseling is provided by individuals trained and practicing according to Virginia's Statewide Standards.
Person-centered Options Counseling is an interactive decision support process where people are supported in making long-term support choices that reflect their unique preferences, strengths, needs, values, and circumstances. Options Counseling is provided by individuals trained and practicing according to Virginia's Statewide Standards.
Person-centered Options Counseling is an interactive decision support process where people are supported in making long-term support choices that reflect their unique preferences, strenghts, needs, values, and circumstances. Options Counseling is provided by individuals trained and practicing according to Virginia's Statewide Standards.
Person-centered Aging Services Coordination is an interactive decision support process where people are supported in making long-term support choices that reflect their unique preferences, strengths, needs, values, and circumstances. Aging Services Coordination is provided by individuals trained and practicing according to Virginia's Statewide Standards.


Long Term Care Options Counseling
Case/Care Management
Person-centered Options Counseling is an interactive decision support process where people are supported in making long-term support choices that reflect their unique preferences, strengths, needs, values, and circumstances. Options Counseling is provided by individuals trained and practicing according to Virginia's Statewide Standards.
Veteran Directed Care serves eligible veterans of any age who are at risk of nursing home placement. Our services help veterans continue to live in their homes and communities for as long as possible.


Military Family Service/Support Centers
Long Term Care Options Counseling
Person-centered Options Counseling is an interactive decision support process where people are supported in making long-term support choices that reflect their unique preferences, strengths, needs, values, and circumstances. Options Counseling is provided by individuals trained and practicing according to Virginia's Statewide Standards.


Case/Care Management
Long Term Care Options Counseling
Person-centered Options Counseling is an interactive decision support process where people are supported in making long-term support choices that reflect their unique preferences, strenghts, needs, values, and circumstances. Options Counseling is provided by individuals trained and practicing according to Virginia's Statewide Standards.
Person-centered Options Counseling is an interactive decision support process where people are supported in making long-term support choices that reflect their unique preferences, strengths, needs, values, and circumstances. Options Counseling is provided by individuals trained and practicing according to Virginia's Statewide Standards.
Person-centered Options Counseling is an interactive decision support process where people are supported in making long-term support choices that reflect their unique preferences, strengths, needs, values, and circumstances. Options Counseling is provided by individuals trained and practicing according to Virginia's Statewide Standards.