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The Agency provides information and services that promote independence and quality of life for persons age 60 and older. Below is a partial list of services: * Communication, Referral, Information and Assistance * Senior employment services * Transportation to senior lunch sites, medical appointments, and grocery shopping. * Small home repair jobs and renovations for safety and accessibility. * Home-delivered meals (a hot lunch delivered on weekdays) * Personal care (help with bathing, dressing, grooming and ambulation). Average level of service is 2 hrs/day, 2 or 3 days a week * Respite offers caregivers a few hours off from the care of a frail, elderly family member who cannot be left alone, 2 to 4 hours, 2 days per week, additional respite time is provided for patients with Alzheimer's. * Long Term Care Ombudsman - an advocate who resolves problems for people who live in nursing homes and others who receive long-term care * Care Coordination - arranging for a variety of services and resources to maintain well-being and independence of frail elders * Assistance with health insurance - help with questions and problems concerning Medicare,Medicaid, Medicare supplement insurance and long-term care insurance. *Congregate Meals - Meals served at senior lunch sites *Chronic Disease Self Management Education Workshops *Emergency Services - financial aid for utilities, housing, etc. is provided in a crisis situation *Mobility Management Services - assists with local and out-of-town non-emergency medical transportation: Voucher Program, Miles 4 Vets (wheelchair accessible transportation for veterans to Salem VA Medical Center and Danville Community-Based Outpatient Clinic) and Volunteer Driver Program (out-of-town non-emergency medical transportation).


Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Area Agencies on Aging
Provides support services, advocacy, resources, and information to aging and disabled adults, as well as to their caregivers, to enable them to achieve maximum independence, maintain their dignity,and strengthen their social support systems within their communities while enhancing their quality of life.


Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Area Agencies on Aging
Provides programs and services that support independence and quality of life for the aging; including meals, transportation and caregiver support.


Area Agencies on Aging
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
The area agency on aging and public transit provider for Wise, Lee and Scott Counties and City of Norton in the southwestern tip of Virginia in the mountains of central Appalachia. Operates Mountain Empire PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly). Directs Healthy Families for Southwest Virginia, the Mountain Laurel Cancer Resource Center, and the Southwest Virginia Children's Advocacy Center. Is a Virginia No Wrong Door entry point streamlining access to services wherever they may be.


Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Area Agencies on Aging
Offer a continuum of caring for the individual's continuum of living. Services are available to those who can pay and to those who cannot. The inter-generational services include community senior centers in 7 locations that offer a gathering place for daytime interaction and hot lunch. Additional services include Options Counseling for community resources, home delivered meals, adult care centers, caregiver support groups, insurance counseling, information and assistance, long-term care advocates, home care, health services, affordable senior housing, assisted living and more.


Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Area Agencies on Aging
Offers aging & disability services, information and referral resources including Adult Day Care, Home-delivered Meals, Senior Centers, assistance with understanding Medicare, and other long term care insurance, help enrolling in Medicare D, Medicaid and Advocacy.


Area Agencies on Aging
Benefits Screening
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
- NO WRONG DOOR SITE - Coordinates, advocates and provides community based services for senior citizens. Services include: case management; Meals on Wheels and other nutrition programs; volunteer programs; legal assistance; transportation; in-home assistance, care transitions, insurance counseling, Emergency Food Pantry, long-term care ombudsman and a Center for Health and Wellness. Holiday assistance available to persons age 60 and over. Has materials on fall prevention available to the general public. Helps older persons remain independent for as long as possible. Roanoke Valley (540) 345-0451 Alleghany Highlands (540) 962-0465 Botetourt County (540) 580-5085 Craig County (540) 864-6031


Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Area Agencies on Aging
Piedmont Senior Resources Area Agency on Aging provides supportive services and functions as an advocate for persons 60 years of age and older.


Area Agencies on Aging
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
To serve as an advocate for persons 60 years and older by helping them to achieve a better quality of life.


Area Agencies on Aging
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Provides information to area residents aged 60 and older in the City of Fredericksburg and the 4 surrounding counties. Services include information and referral services, telephone reassurance, homemaker, legal referral, senior job training, emergency home repair and weatherization, congregate and home delivered meals, insurance counseling, cooling assistance, emergency financial aid, transportation and ombudsman support. Promotes elderly fall prevention, detailed materials available to send to clients.


Area Agencies on Aging
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Acts as an advocate for the elderly to help reduce isolation and maintain independence. Programs include adult day health care, personal care, homemaker, nutrition, transportation, emergency home repair, outreach, case management, health education, shopping assistance, telephone reassurance, emergency services, ombudsman services, respite care, Alzheimer's support group services, insurance counseling and volunteer services. Operates Generations, an intergenerational daycare program, and Four County Transit, the public transportation system for the service area. Area Agencies on Aging all have materials on Fall Prevention available to the general public.


Area Agencies on Aging
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
The Aging and Adult Services Division serves seniors and adults with disabilities with special emphasis given to those who have a low income and are most at risk of being institutionalized.


Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Area Agencies on Aging
Information and referral and comprehensive services for older adults and their families. All seniors who are physically able are encouraged to come for congregate meals. Those who are physically unable are taken a meal and are visited in their homes. Recreational programs, activities and wellness health screening clinics are available. Educational programs on Medicare, Social Security, food stamps, and nutrition are offered. Other programs include Adult Day Care programs, home care/homemaker, personal care, senior employment, housing and weatherization, support groups, transportation services through Bay Transit and Medcarries,and RSVP.


Area Agencies on Aging
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Fairfax Area Agency on Aging serves older adults, caregivers and adults with disabilities in Fairfax County and the cities of Fairfax and Falls Church. Federal, state and local funds provide most of these programs. Services may have eligibility requirements. Some services are available on a sliding scale fee basis; most have no fee.
Provides a one-stop for adult health and human services. The vision of the No Wrong Door initiative is to have Resource Centers in every community serving as highly visible and trusted places where individuals can turn for information on the full range of long-term support options and entry to public long-term support programs and benefits.
Provides state and local programs that help older people plan and care for their life-long needs. Services include information and referral for in home services, counseling, legal services, adult day care, skilled nursing care/therapy, transportation, personal care, respite care, nutrition and meals.


Area Agencies on Aging
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
The Loudoun County Area Agency on Aging (AAA) is the central point of contact for seniors (55+) and their families. No Wrong Door is a person-centered system and statewide network of partners supporting older adults, caregivers, individuals with disabilities, veterans and their families. It uses secure technology to link providers together, collaboratively supporting individuals and families seeking long term services and supports.


Area Agencies on Aging
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
ADRCs, also known as No Wrong Door agencies in Virginia, provide a source for the public to receive accurate, unbiased information on all aspects of life related to aging or living with a disability. Using a "No Wrong Door" concept, ADRCs address many of the frustrations individuals and their families experience when trying to find needed information, services, and supports. Through integration or coordination of existing aging and disability service systems, ADRC programs raise visibility about the full range of options that are available, provide objective information, advice, counseling and assistance, assist people in making informed decisions about their long term supports, and help people more easily access public and private long term supports and services programs, performing in a person-centered way.


Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Area Agencies on Aging
No Wrong Door is a person-centered system designed to streamline individuals' access to community services and supports. The program operates through a statewide network of partners supporting older adults, caregivers, individuals with disabilities, veterans and all other populations seeking services and supports. It uses secure technology to link providers who collaboratively connect individuals to the supports and services they need.


Area Agencies on Aging
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Provides direct assistance to find services and plan for services for individuals 60 and over, their caregivers. Also provide information and referral for those living with disabilities age 18 and over.


Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Area Agencies on Aging
The Crater District Area Agency on Aging enhances the lives of older Adults, adults with disabilities and caregivers in the communities.


Area Agencies on Aging
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
No Wrong Door is a person-centered system designed to streamline individuals’ access to community services and supports. The program operates through a statewide network of partners supporting older adults, caregivers, individuals with disabilities, veterans and all other populations seeking services and supports. It uses secure technology to link providers who collaboratively connect individuals to the supports and services they need.


Area Agencies on Aging
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
No Wrong Door is a virtual single point of entry for accessing public and private health and human supports for older adults and adults with disabilities. The vision of No Wrong Door in Virginia is to provide older adults and adults with disabilities with comprehensive information and streamlined access to available long term supports through collaborative partnerships and shared technology.


Area Agencies on Aging
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Benefits Screening
The Aging and Disability Services Division is the gateway to information for older adults, persons with disabilities, and their caregivers.
Supports older adults, family caregivers and individuals of all ages with disabilities by providing valuable tools to strengthen community networks and promote person-centered practices, for individuals to evaluate options and make informed decisions.


Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Area Agencies on Aging