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Environmental Health Services protect the publics health by engaging in a wide variety of inspection, permitting, and testing services, including: Drinking Water Inspection, Permitting, and Surveillance; Food Establishment Sanitation check out your favorite restaurants latest inspection results by going to www.healthspace.ca/vdh; Insect and Rodent Control; Institutional Sanitation; Migrant Labor Camp Sanitation; Milk Sanitation; Rabies Prevention and Control; Sewage Disposal Sanitation; Tourist Establishment Sanitation.


Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
Lead Poisoning Screening
Test children from ages 6 months to 6 years who may be high risk for lead poisoning.
The environmental health programs include lead exposure, food establishment inspections, rabies prevention, sewage and water permits and complaint investigations. Both nurses and environmental health specialists work together to investigate communicable diseases, including outbreaks.


Communicable Disease Control
Building and Safety
Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
Consumer Complaints
Lead Poisoning Screening
Provide well child exams including developmental screening and immunizations. Emphasis is on health education and prevention of developmental delays. Preschool and school placement physicals are performed on a limited basis. Provides follow-up and referral for children with elevated blood lead levels and other medical and developmental problems. Well Baby/Child and School Physicals for grades 5 and under.


Lead Poisoning Screening
Wellness Programs
Pediatric Evaluation
General Health Education Programs
Lead Safe Petersburg promotes the importance of lead screening of children ages 0-6 years of age with special emphasis on those under age 3. The main source of lead poisoning for children in Petersburg is lead paint/lead dust. Children living in older homes are at highest risk. This program also promotes community awareness by providing information about lead poisoning and ways to reduce a child's exposure. Parents are informed of the importance of early detection through lead screening (blood tests) provided by the child's health care provider. Health department staff provide case management services for families with children who have elevated lead levels. The health department partners with other agencies to address the need of increased availability of lead safe housing in the city.
Our office provides site evaluations and permitting for on-site sewage disposal (septic) systems and private wells, as well as regulatory oversight for private sector evaluations and designs in these fields. We provide health education to the community with regard to safe food handling practices, lead exposure, radon, rabies, and other environmental health concerns.ur office also inspects and/or permits daycare and adult care facilities, school cafeterias, restaurants, hotels/motels, bed and breakfasts, festival and fair vendors, campgrounds, summer camps, migrant labor camps, and marinas. Additionally, we investigate animal bites and/or potential rabies exposures and certain environmental complaints.


Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
Lead Poisoning Screening
Consumer Complaints
Building and Safety
Communicable Disease Control
Children under six years of age who are at risk of lead poisoning are referred to their primary care provider for lead testing. A health educator offers case management and educational services to families of children with elevated lead levels.
Childhood lead poisoning prevention and management; lead inspection and lead risk assessment; healthy homes assessment for home conditions that exacerbate existing health condition; promote blood lead testing; public workshop and training on healthy homes practices; landlord-tenant education related to safe home maintenance.


Public Awareness/Education
Lead Poisoning Screening
Poison Control
Children six years of age and younger who are at risk of lead poisoning are referred to their primary care provider for lead testing. Case management and educational services are offered to families of children with elevated lead levels.
The environmental health programs include lead exposure, food establishment inspections, rabies prevention, sewage and water permits and complaint investigations. Both nurses and environmental health specialists work together to investigate communicable diseases, including outbreaks.


Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
Lead Poisoning Screening
The environmental health programs include lead exposure, food establishment inspections, rabies prevention, sewage and water permits and complaint investigations. Both nurses and environmental health specialists work together to investigate communicable diseases, including outbreaks.


Lead Poisoning Screening
Building and Safety
Consumer Complaints
Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
Environmental Health Services protect the public's health by engaging in a wide variety of inspection, permitting, and testing services, including: Drinking water inspection, permitting, and surveillance Food establishment sanitation - check out your favorite restaurant's latest inspection results by going to https://inspections.myhealthdepartment.com/va-mount-rogers Institutional inspection (child and adult facilities) Migrant labor camp inspection Milk plant inspection Rabies prevention and control Well and septic inspections and permits Tourist establishment inspections (campgrounds, swimming pools, hotels) The Mount Rogers Health District offers a professional staff to assist in a variety of state mandated programs, including developing land for personal homes, subdivisions, or commercial use. Professional staff guide you through the permitting requirements necessary to construct on-site sewage disposal systems and private well water supplies. At various times, special classes may be available for certifying commercial food handlers. If you find a tick on yourself or another family member (but not the furry, four-legged variety of family member - people only), please visit https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/environmental-epidemiology/virginia-tick-survey/ to complete a survey and help Virginia's epidemiologists learn more about tick ecology in the Commonwealth. Learn more about tick-borne disease in Virginia


Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
Communicable Disease Control
Lead Poisoning Screening
Children under six years of age who are at risk of lead poisoning are referred to their primary care provider for lead testing. Case management and educational services are offered to families of children with elevated lead levels.
The program goal is to eradicate lead poisoning in children under the age of six. Risk screening and blood analysis available for children under the age of six to check for toxic levels of lead in blood. Screening is free. Charges for analysis based on lab fee. Visit the website for more prevention information.
Risk screening and blood analysis available for children to check for toxic levels of lead in blood. Screening is free. Charges for analysis based on lab fee.
Children under six years of age who are at risk of lead poisoning are referred to their primary care provider for lead testing. A health educator offers case management and educational services to families of children with elevated lead levels.
Children under six years of age who are at risk of lead poisoning are referred to their primary care provider for lead testing. Case management and educational services are offered to families of children with elevated lead levels.
Free counseling for children found to be at-risk for lead poisoning. Case management and environmental services offered for children with elevated lead levels.
Provide well child exams including developmental screening. Emphasis is on health education and prevention of developmental delays. Preschool and school placement physicals are performed on a limited basis. Provides follow-up and referral for children with elevated blood lead levels and other medical and developmental problems.


Pediatric Evaluation
Wellness Programs
Lead Poisoning Screening
Child Passenger Safety Seats
Protects the public's health by engaging in a wide variety of inspection, permitting, and testing services, including: Drinking Water Inspection, Permitting, and Surveillance; Food Establishment Sanitation check out your favorite restaurant's latest inspection results by going to www.healthspace.ca/vdh; Insect and Rodent Control; Institutional Sanitation; Migrant Labor Camp Sanitation; Milk Sanitation; Rabies Prevention and Control; Sewage Disposal Sanitation; Tourist Establishment Sanitation.


Consumer Complaints
Lead Poisoning Screening
Building and Safety
Sewage Disposal Systems: Applications, permits, and onsite evaluations for sewage disposal systems are processed. Well Inspections and Permits: Applications and evaluations for private wells are processed. Referrals for other water problems. Restaurant Permits and Inspections: Routine food establishment inspections as required by state law, including temporary and permanent establishments. Public Drinking Water information - provides technical information. Environmental Epidemiology - prevent and control human diseases and conditions due to exposure to chemical and biological agents (Rabies Control, Vector Borne Disease such as Lymes and West Nile, Toxic Substance Surveillance, Mold, Fish Consumption Advisories). Hotel, Campgrounds, Summer Camps, Swimming Pools, Migrant Labor Camps inspections. Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention.


Communicable Disease Control
Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
Lead Poisoning Screening
Consumer Complaints
Building and Safety
Free lead testing and counseling is available for children found to be at risk for lead poisoning. Case management services are offered for children with elevated blood lead levels.
Risk screening and blood analysis available for children to check for toxic levels of lead in blood. Screening is free. Charges for analysis based on lab fee.
Risk screening and blood analysis available for children to check for toxic levels of lead in blood. Screening is free. Charges for analysis based on lab fee.
Maintains a certified lead risk assessor on staff to conduct environmental lead investigations when indicated as a part of a work-up of a child with an elevated blood lead level. Elevated lead levels, untreated, can cause neurological and developmental abnormalities in children; adults may also be affected by elevated lead levels. The investigation consists of taking and reviewing a thorough medical history to identify possible sources of exposure, and based on this may include sampling paint, dust, soil, and water from the environment in which the child lives, and interviewing families regarding behavior and activities to determine the most likely source(s) of exposure.