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Provides immunizations for communicable diseases and for foreign travel requirements. Offers free childhood vaccines. Also offers chargeable adult vaccinations, influenza, college immunizations, pneumonia and all adult boosters. Also tests for sexually-transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases such as TB. Provides surveillance and investigation of infectious diseases in the community.


Communicable Disease Control
Tuberculosis Screening
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
HIV Testing
Provides immunizations for communicable diseases and for foreign country travel requirements. Offers flu and pneumonia shots. Tests for sexually-transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS and for other communicable diseases such as TB. Other services include information on communicable diseases, investigations of suspected disease outbreaks and preventive treatment for certain diseases. Outbreak investigations can be for suspected food or waterborne diseases, bioterrorist events and contagious diseases spread to humans by either animals or other persons.


Communicable Disease Control
Tuberculosis Screening
HIV Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Provides screening/testing, counseling, education, treatment and partner referral services for patients at risk of or currently experiencing sexually transmitted infections. We also provide PrEP & PEP for HIV mitigation services. Be sure to call the Health Department to make sure these medications are available and to make an appointment.


HIV Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
HIV testing and counseling is offered per sliding scale. HIV medication assistance program (ADAP) services are available if eligible. Services are confidential but not anonymous for testing.
Provides education, screening, referral, follow-up and support to persons at-risk for or living with HIV/AIDS. Emphasis is placed on prevention, early detection and treatment, increasing community awareness and improving quality of life for persons living with HIV/AIDS. Services provided: Free confidential HIV testing and counseling. Anonymous testing sites can be accessed by calling the Virginia Department of Health AIDS Hotline at 1-800-533-4148.
AIDS/HIV confidential testing and counseling is available. Information on medication and other assistance available for low income persons. Offers sexually transmitted disease testing and treatment: testing and treatment. All services strictly confidential. Free Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C testing available.


HIV Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Hepatitis Testing
Screening, diagnosis, treatment, and follow up of persons at risk for sexually transmitted infections(STIs), and HIV/AIDS. Free Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C testing available.


Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
HIV Testing
Hepatitis Testing
Provides environmental and health services for area residents. This includes well and septic permits, food safety inspections, family planning, STD treatments, immunizations, communicable disease investigations, HIV/AIDS testing, care and supportive services, and women, infants and children (WIC) nutrition services.


Public Health Nursing
Communicable Disease Control
Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
HIV Testing
Provides education, screening, referral, follow-up and support to persons at-risk for or living with HIV/AIDS. Emphasis is placed on prevention, early detection and treatment, increasing community awareness and improving quality of life for persons living with HIV/AIDS. Services provided: Free confidential HIV testing and counseling. Medication assistance based on eligibility criteria through AIDS Drug Assistance Program administered by the Virginia Department of Health. Anonymous testing sites can be accessed by calling the Virginia Department of Health AIDS Hotline at 1-800-533-4148.
Provides testing and treatment for a range of sexually tranmitted infections, including HIV, syphillis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and Hepatitis B and C. Rapid HIV and Hep C tests are available, as well as rapid in-home HIV test kits. Safer sex items such as condoms, lube, and dental dams available.


HIV Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Public Awareness/Education
Provides confidential testing; Virginia Medication Assistance Program(VAMAP); and social work services. Free Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C testing available.


Hepatitis Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
AIDS/HIV Clinics
HIV Testing
Promotes awareness of HIV/AIDS through education and putting together resources to help the general public, targeting the youth population. Aims to create and maintain an environment that inspires people to seek appropriate ways of decreasing high risk behaviors.
Confidential HIV testing and counseling. VAMAP program. Free Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C testing available.
Provides counseling to find best method of birth control and how to prevent sexually-transmitted diseases.


Public Clinics
Family Planning
HIV Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Breast Self Examination Instruction
Pap Tests
East End Health Center provides professional and affordable health care in a nonjudgmental environment. Medical services include primary care, annual check ups, cancer screenings, urinary tract infection and vaginal infection treatment, birth control consultation and supplies, pregnancy testing and options counseling, sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment, confidential HIV testing, surgical and medication abortion. Pro-Choice center.


HIV Testing
Family Planning
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Provides confidential and free testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases and confidential testing and referral for HIV/AIDS infection. Also provides free, confidential testing for hepatitis B and C for persons with risk factors for those diseases. Free Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C testing available.


Hepatitis Testing
AIDS/HIV Clinics
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
HIV Testing
Free confidential testing and counseling. Anonymous testing sites can be accessed by calling the Virginia Department of Health and AIDS Hotline at 1-800-533-4148. Medication assistance for protease inhibitors, antiretrovirals etc., is available based on eligibility criteria through the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) administered by the Virginia Department of Health.
Provides education, screening, referral, follow-up and support to persons at-risk for or living with HIV/AIDS. Emphasis is placed on prevention, early detection and treatment, increasing community awareness and improving quality of life for persons living with HIV/AIDS. Services provided: confidential HIV testing and counseling, sliding scale charges may apply. Anonymous testing sites can be accessed by calling the Virginia Department of Health AIDS Hotline at 1-800-533-4148.
Provides assistance and referral for treatment of sexually transmitted diseases; free, confidential HIV testing and counseling. Call the HIV/STD/Viral Hepatitis Hotline at 1-800-533-4148 for information. Anonymous Testing Sites are available in Abingdon and the surrounding area by calling 1-276-628-9255 and in Wytheville and the surrounding area by calling 1-276-228-9629. Free Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C testing available.


Hepatitis Testing
HIV Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Provides medical, educational and counseling services which relate to family planning. Annual examinations include pap smear, breast exam, screening for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), health education and counseling.


Pap Tests
Family Planning
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Breast Self Examination Instruction
HIV Testing
Offers immunizations for communicable diseases and for foreign travel requirements and provides flu and pneumonia shots. Tests for sexually transmitted diseases like HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases such as TB. Other services include information on communicable diseases, investigations of suspected disease outbreaks, and preventive treatment for certain diseases. Outbreak investigations can be for suspected food or waterborne diseases, bio-terrorist events, and contagious diseases spread to humans by either animals or other persons. Free Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C testing available.


Communicable Disease Control
HIV Testing
Hepatitis Testing
Tuberculosis Screening
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Prince William Health District offers free confidential HIV testing in the Sexually Transmitted Disease clinics. Residents can come in for testing, speak with a nurse, and get an examination.
Sexually Transmitted Disease Testing and Treatment: Confidential testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases are available for anyone requesting this service. No proof of income required. HIV/AIDS Services: Confidential testing and counseling. Case management and assistance with paying for medical care and medications for eligible clients through the Ryan White program.. Free Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C testing available.


Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
HIV Testing
Hepatitis Testing
Confidential testing and counseling. Case Management and assistance with paying for medical care and medications through the Ryan White program. Confidential testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases are available for anyone requesting this service. No proof of income required. Free Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C testing available.


Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
HIV Testing
Hepatitis Testing
Health department offices provide assistance and referral for treatment of sexually transmitted diseases; free, confidential HIV testing and counseling (HIV/STD/Viral Hepatitis Hotline: 1-800-533-4148. Free Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C testing available.


Hepatitis Testing
HIV Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening