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Pre-admission screening process for individuals seeking Medicaid coverage of long term care services. In home assessment provided. Screens both older adults and persons with disabilities needing nursing facility or in home assistance services.
Pre-admission screening process for individuals seeking Medicaid coverage of long term care services. In home assessment provided. Screens both older adults and persons with disabilities needing nursing facility or in home assistance services.
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Medicaid clients or persons who anticipate becoming Medicaid eligible are screened upon request to determine if significant needs exist which require admission to a nursing home. Based on the results of the screening, clients and families may be offered the option of nursing home placement or "in-home" Personal Care Services.
Medicaid clients or persons who anticipate becoming Medicaid eligible are screened upon request to determine if significant needs exist which require admission to a nursing home. Based on the results of the screening, clients and families may be offered the option of nursing home placement or "in-home" Personal Care Services.
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Preadmission screening process for individuals seeking Medicaid coverage of long term care services. In home assessment by a registered nurse and a social worker. Identification of local community resources.
Preadmission screening process for individuals seeking Medicaid coverage of long term care services. In home assessment by a registered nurse and a social worker. Identification of local community resources.
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Evaluation of Medicaid eligible individuals seeking nursing home placement or community - based services as personal care services.
Evaluation of Medicaid eligible individuals seeking nursing home placement or community - based services as personal care services.
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
This program provides a timely screening assessment for Medicaid or Medicaid eligible clients needing nursing home placement or services in the home or community. The target population for this program includes the elderly, disabled adults, or children needing a waiver for long-term placement or services for home-based care. Screenings are conducted in partnership with the Department of Social Services (DSS) and requests for screenings need to be made through DSS.
A nurse and a social worker screen the client to determine if they meet Medicaid’s criteria for either (1) Functional capacity: the degree of assistance an individual needs to complete the activities of daily living (bathing, toileting, dressing) or (2) Medical or Nursing need (wound care). Services may include the following: in-home care, adult day care, or admission to a care facility. Referrals for screenings may be made through your local Health Department.
This program provides a timely screening assessment for Medicaid or Medicaid eligible clients needing nursing home placement or services in the home or community. The target population for this program includes the elderly, disabled adults, or children needing a waiver for long-term placement or services for home-based care. Screenings are conducted in partnership with the Department of Social Services (DSS) and requests for screenings need to be made through DSS.
A nurse and a social worker screen the client to determine if they meet Medicaid’s criteria for either (1) Functional capacity: the degree of assistance an individual needs to complete the activities of daily living (bathing, toileting, dressing) or (2) Medical or Nursing need (wound care). Services may include the following: in-home care, adult day care, or admission to a care facility. Referrals for screenings may be made through your local Health Department.
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Preadmission screening by a registered nurse and social worker for personal care services or nursing home placement. In home assessment provided. Screens for nursing facility or community based in home services based upon the consumer's choice.
Preadmission screening by a registered nurse and social worker for personal care services or nursing home placement. In home assessment provided. Screens for nursing facility or community based in home services based upon the consumer's choice.
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
This program screens applicants to determine eligibility for nursing home placement and/or personal care services. Program is accessible to the physically disabled, hearing impaired and /or visually impaired.
This program screens applicants to determine eligibility for nursing home placement and/or personal care services. Program is accessible to the physically disabled, hearing impaired and /or visually impaired.
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Personal Care
Medicaid clients or persons who anticipate becoming Medicaid eligible are screened upon request to determine if significant needs exist which require admission to a nursing home. Based on the results of the screening, clients and families may be offered the option of nursing home placement or "in home" Personal Care Services.
Medicaid clients or persons who anticipate becoming Medicaid eligible are screened upon request to determine if significant needs exist which require admission to a nursing home. Based on the results of the screening, clients and families may be offered the option of nursing home placement or "in home" Personal Care Services.
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Nursing Facilities
Pre-Admission Nursing Home Screenings are performed in home by a public health nurse and adult services social worker for patients needing assessment of care level needed and as a prerequisite of nursing home placement. Clients also have the option of receiving community based services in their homes. Financial support for community care may be available through one of Virginia's Medicaid Waiver programs.
Pre-Admission Nursing Home Screenings are performed in home by a public health nurse and adult services social worker for patients needing assessment of care level needed and as a prerequisite of nursing home placement. Clients also have the option of receiving community based services in their homes. Financial support for community care may be available through one of Virginia's Medicaid Waiver programs.
Nursing Facilities
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Pre-Admission Nursing Home Screenings are performed in-home by a public health nurse and adult services social worker for patients needing assessment of care level needed and as a pre-requisite of nursing home placement.
Pre-Admission Nursing Home Screenings are performed in-home by a public health nurse and adult services social worker for patients needing assessment of care level needed and as a pre-requisite of nursing home placement.
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Mental Health Skill-building is available for individuals ages 18 and older with severe mental illness. Some of the areas this service assists with include symptom management, medication management, 24/7 crisis management, activities of daily living, independent living skills, health and safety, interpersonal skills, and appointment compliance.
Mental Health Skill-building is available for individuals ages 18 and older with severe mental illness. Some of the areas this service assists with include symptom management, medication management, 24/7 crisis management, activities of daily living, independent living skills, health and safety, interpersonal skills, and appointment compliance.
Psychiatric Case Management
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Crisis Intervention
Nursing Home and Community Care Pre-Admission Screening is a Virginia Medical Assistance funded program (Medicaid). Designed to provide services in the home and/or community for people who would otherwise require nursing home placement.
Nursing Home and Community Care Pre-Admission Screening is a Virginia Medical Assistance funded program (Medicaid). Designed to provide services in the home and/or community for people who would otherwise require nursing home placement.
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Public Health Nursing
Pre-screens Medicaid-eligible persons for nursing home placement and Medicaid-funded in-home services. Assesses the ability of an individual to take care of activities of daily living. Screening is conducted jointly by a registered nurse and a social worker in the home of the applicant.
Pre-screens Medicaid-eligible persons for nursing home placement and Medicaid-funded in-home services. Assesses the ability of an individual to take care of activities of daily living. Screening is conducted jointly by a registered nurse and a social worker in the home of the applicant.
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Preadmission screening process for individuals seeking Medicaid coverage of long term care services. In home assessment by a registered nurse and a social worker. Identification of local community resources.
Preadmission screening process for individuals seeking Medicaid coverage of long term care services. In home assessment by a registered nurse and a social worker. Identification of local community resources.
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Pre Admission screening process for individuals seeking Medicaid coverage of long term care services. Requests for screenings are made through the Department of Social Services. In home assessment by a registered nurse and a social worker. Identification of local community resources.
Pre Admission screening process for individuals seeking Medicaid coverage of long term care services. Requests for screenings are made through the Department of Social Services. In home assessment by a registered nurse and a social worker. Identification of local community resources.
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Preadmission screenings for personal care services or nursing home admissions. Program screens for people who choose to receive services in the home and those who choose to enter nursing facilities.
Preadmission screenings for personal care services or nursing home admissions. Program screens for people who choose to receive services in the home and those who choose to enter nursing facilities.
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Geriatric Assessment
Preadmission screening process for individuals seeking Medicaid coverage of long term care services. Requests for screenings need to be made through the Department of Social Services. In home assessment by a registered nurse and a social worker. Identification of local community resources.
Preadmission screening process for individuals seeking Medicaid coverage of long term care services. Requests for screenings need to be made through the Department of Social Services. In home assessment by a registered nurse and a social worker. Identification of local community resources.
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
The provision of screening services, in conjunction with the Health Department to assess need for nursing home placement, assisted living placement and personal care.
The provision of screening services, in conjunction with the Health Department to assess need for nursing home placement, assisted living placement and personal care.
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Screens, upon request, Medicaid clients or persons who anticipate becoming Medicaid eligible to determine if significant needs exist which require admission to a nursing home. Based on the results of the screening, clients and families may be offered the option of nursing home placement or "in-home" personal care services.
Screens, upon request, Medicaid clients or persons who anticipate becoming Medicaid eligible to determine if significant needs exist which require admission to a nursing home. Based on the results of the screening, clients and families may be offered the option of nursing home placement or "in-home" personal care services.
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Medicaid clients or persons who anticipate becoming Medicaid eligible are screened upon request to determine if significant needs exist which require admission to a nursing home. Based on the results of the screening, clients and families may be offered the options of nursing home placement or "in-home" Personal Care Services.
Medicaid clients or persons who anticipate becoming Medicaid eligible are screened upon request to determine if significant needs exist which require admission to a nursing home. Based on the results of the screening, clients and families may be offered the options of nursing home placement or "in-home" Personal Care Services.
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Provides a Center for Independent Living in which individuals with disabilities can access training in any skill necessary to live in the community. Independence is gained through instruction in activities of daily living, and through social skills training and recreational opportunities.
Provides a Center for Independent Living in which individuals with disabilities can access training in any skill necessary to live in the community. Independence is gained through instruction in activities of daily living, and through social skills training and recreational opportunities.
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Performed in home by a public health nurse and adult services social worker for patients needing assessment of care level needed and as a prerequisite of nursing home placement. Consumers can choose to receive community based services rather than nursing facility based services if they meet the eligibility after the screening. The Medicaid Waiver programs may pay for community based services.
Performed in home by a public health nurse and adult services social worker for patients needing assessment of care level needed and as a prerequisite of nursing home placement. Consumers can choose to receive community based services rather than nursing facility based services if they meet the eligibility after the screening. The Medicaid Waiver programs may pay for community based services.
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Long Term Care Options Counseling
Adult Services include the provision of companion services to the elderly and screening to determine the need for possible nursing home or adult home placements.
Adult Services include the provision of companion services to the elderly and screening to determine the need for possible nursing home or adult home placements.
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Case/Care Management
Provides living environment allowing adults to remain in the least restrictive setting and function as independently as possible by providing supportive services. Adult Services are provided to adults age 18 and older who have a disability and to their families when appropriate. Services include: companion services pre-screening; nursing home pre-screenings; assisted living facility assessments and adult foster care.
Provides living environment allowing adults to remain in the least restrictive setting and function as independently as possible by providing supportive services. Adult Services are provided to adults age 18 and older who have a disability and to their families when appropriate. Services include: companion services pre-screening; nursing home pre-screenings; assisted living facility assessments and adult foster care.
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Veteran Direct Care is a service program for veterans of any age, who are determined and referred by the Veterans Health Administration, to be at-risk of institutional placement and desire self-directed care. In other words, the program is designed to allow veterans who are potential candidates for nursing home placement to receive that level of care in their homes.
Veteran Direct Care is a service program for veterans of any age, who are determined and referred by the Veterans Health Administration, to be at-risk of institutional placement and desire self-directed care. In other words, the program is designed to allow veterans who are potential candidates for nursing home placement to receive that level of care in their homes.
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Home Health Care