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Falls Prevention includes two programs: Falls Talk and A Matter of Balance.
Falls Talk offers one-on-one interaction with a trained facilitator to help increase an individual's ability to prevent falls, to manage falls if they occur, and to become aware of fall threats (such as personal traits or circumstances that could cause a fall). It is open to individuals 50 years and older and is provided at the consumer's home or via telephone.
A Matter of Balance classes help participants view falls and the fear of falling as controllable, set realistic goals for increasing activity, and change their environments to reduce fall risk factors. The eight-session series also promotes exercise to increase participants' strength and balance. There is no age limit for participants; the classes are offered at CVACL's main s
Falls Prevention includes two programs: Falls Talk and A Matter of Balance.
Falls Talk offers one-on-one interaction with a trained facilitator to help increase an individual's ability to prevent falls, to manage falls if they occur, and to become aware of fall threats (such as personal traits or circumstances that could cause a fall). It is open to individuals 50 years and older and is provided at the consumer's home or via telephone.
A Matter of Balance classes help participants view falls and the fear of falling as controllable, set realistic goals for increasing activity, and change their environments to reduce fall risk factors. The eight-session series also promotes exercise to increase participants' strength and balance. There is no age limit for participants; the classes are offered at CVACL's main s
Household Safety Programs