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Provides a Farm Service Agency and a National Resources Conservation Service for the Conservation District. Offers leadership in a partnership effort to help people conserve, maintain, and improve our natural resources and environment. Provides technical assistance and cost-share funds to help landowners address natural resource concerns like erosion, nutrient management, wildlife habitat, and water conservation.
Provides technical advice for the conservation of natural resources: soil, water, woodland, wildlife, agriculture land. Serves the Counties of Albemarle, Fluvanna, Louisa and Nelson and the City of Charlottesville.
Protects human health and the environment.
Provides an organization that strives to preserve plants, animals, and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on earth by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive. The Nature Conservancy owns and manages 30 nature preserves totaling 65,000 acres, and has assisted other agencies to preserve 155,000 acres more.
Provides management plans for timberland owners, free of charge. Works to protect water quality through soil erosion control. Offers timber sales and harvesting assistance. Provides information on available financial assistance for site preparation and tree planting. Educates landowners on insect and disease control.
Provides the following Environmental Health Services: Complaints Environmental Health documents and investigates residents' complaints about environmental health problems, including reports of food and waterborne disease, mosquito problems, improper sewage disposal, and other public health issues. Food Services Local health department staff inspect and issue required permits to such food service establishments as school cafeterias, restaurants, food stands at community events, camps, day care centers, B&B's, and migrant camps. They work with those who provide prepared food to the public to help assure that food is wholesome and healthy. The local health department is responsible for working with local dairies to assure a healthy product, free of disease. This is done through regular inspections and ongoing input into dairy operations. Drinking Water Environmental health staff provides assistance to property owners who have or desire to have private wells on their property. They assist with required activities and issue, upon proper documentation and payment of fees, permits for private on-site wells. Each county health department maintains records on properties with private on-site wells. Sewage Disposal Environmental health staff provides assistance to residents who desire to or already have on-site sewage disposal systems on their own or their rented property. This assistance includes providing the activities, referral and documentation necessary to obtain required permits for on-site sewage disposal. Each county health department maintains records on properties with on-site sewage disposal systems.


Consumer Complaints
Performs soil evaluations for on-site sewage disposal systems and on-site evaluations for private drinking water wells. Provides periodic inspections of food establishments and temporary events. Performs Hotel/Motel and Bed & Breakfast inspections. Investigates food, on-site sewage, on-site well and food establishments complaints.


Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
Provides educational and recreational wildlife oriented opportunities for the public. Individuals can hike, bike, bird watch, hunt (by permit), fish, or go boating.
Administers Federal Farm Funds for Rockingham and Page Counties. Serves as a temporary source of supervised credit and technical support to rural Americans for improving their farming enterprises and housing conditions until they are able to qualify for private sector resources. Also offers programs for farmers that include: farm loans, price support, commodities, conservation and disaster assistance.


Disaster Loans
Business Financing
Food Production Economics
Food Production Support Services
Disaster Services for Animals
A federal agency that works hand-in-hand with the people of Virginia to improve and protect their soil, water and other natural resources. For decades, private landowners voluntarily work with NRCS specialists to prevent erosion, improve water quality and promote sustainable agriculture.
Provides a Federal Agency to protect and manage 190,000 acres of National Forest land and provide recreation opportunities. In the Northwest Region of Virginia, the USDA Forest Service also has offices in Edinburg, Harrisonburg, and Warm Springs. Please see the web site for more details. Serves the counties of Amherst, Augusta, Bedford, Botetourt, Nelson, and Rockbridge and the cities of Buena Vista, Lexington, Staunton, Waynesboro.
A state agency responsible for managing the resources which occur on or in conjunction with forest lands and for protecting the forests from insects, disease, fire, erosion, air pollution and other destructive forces. For burning bans, please visit the web site or call the office: www.dof.virginia.gov/fire/burn-bans.htm
Provides for the conservation and wise use of natural resources, air, water and wildlife. Members also like to hunt and fish.
Services Buchanan, Dickenson, Russell, Tazewell, and Wise counties. To ensure the well-being of American agriculture, the environment and the America pubic through efficient and equitable administration of farm commodity programs; farm ownership; operating and emergency loans; conservation and environmental programs; emergency and disaster assistance; domestic and international food assistance; and international export credit programs.


Food Production Economics
Food Production Support Services
Offers a program to preserve the traditional character and visual order of the countryside, towns and villages of the Northern Piedmont Region of Virginia. Supports conservation and land use activities in the Charlottesville-Albemarle area.
Provides a Farm Service Agency and a National Resources Conservation Service for the Conservation District. Offers leadership in a partnership effort to help people conserve, maintain, and improve our natural resources and environment. Provides technical assistance and cost-share funds to help landowners address natural resource concerns like erosion, nutrient management, wildlife habitat, and water conservation.
Provides management plans for timberland owners. Works to protect water quality through soil erosion control. Offers timber sales and harvesting assistance. Provides information on available financial assistance for site preparation and tree planting. Educates landowners on insect and disease control.
A federal agency that works hand-in-hand with the people of Virginia to improve and protect their soil, water and other natural resources. For decades, private landowners voluntarily work with NRCS specialists to prevent erosion, improve water quality and promote sustainable agriculture.
Serves Botetourt, Craig, Roanoke counties and cities of Roanoke and Salem. Stabilizing farm income, helping farmers conserve land and water resources, providing credit to new or disadvantaged farmers and ranchers, and helping farm operators recover from the effects of disaster.


Food Production Economics
Food Production Support Services
Provides source reduction, surveillance, larviciding, and adulticiding of mosquitoes in the city of Chesapeake.
Provides management plans for timberland owners. Works to protect water quality through soil erosion control. Offers timber sale and harvesting assistance. Provides information on available financial assistance for site preparation and tree planting. Educates landowners on insect and disease control.
Regional field office at Dept. of Game & Inland Fisheries. Serves 22-counties in Southside VA. Houses Wildlife, Fisheries, and Law Enforcement regional staff. Purpose is to provide wildlife law enforcement and Fisheries/Wildlife management programs for 22-county area. Certain landowner/citizen assistance programs are available.


Recreational Activities/Sports
Protective Services for Animals
Provides management plans for timberland owners, free of charge. Works to protect water quality through soil erosion control. Offers timber sales and harvesting assistance. Provides information on available financial assistance for site preparation and tree planting. Educates landowners on insect and disease control.
Maintains research programs in the area of horticulture and related plant sciences critical to the Commonwealth's program in agriculture and environmental quality; provides information to Virginia residents in the area of horticulture and related plant sciences; and provides graduate training for students in horticulture and related plant sciences.
Provides a Farm Service Agency, National Resources Conservation Service and other Rural Development services for the Conservation District. Offers leadership in a partnership effort to help people conserve, maintain, and improve our natural resources and environment. Provides technical assistance and cost-share funds to help farmers and landowners address natural resource concerns like erosion, nutrient management, wildlife habitat, and water conservation. Serves the Counties of Rockingham, Page, and the City of Harrisonburg.