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Lending library - support groups-research on disabilities one-on-one support. Newsletter of information, etc.
Parent Resource Center goal is to help parents gain knowledge and become comfortable with the special education process. PRC provides information, support, and training for parents, students, teachers, staff, and community members.
Parent Resource Center gives information and support to families and educators with the goal of promoting a cooperative partnership between parents and educators of children with disabilities. The Center provides workshops on the special education process and offers a quarterly newsletter, lending library, parenting sessions, referrals and direct support through listening and problem solving with families.


School System Advocacy
Parenting Education
Student Disability Services
Provide parents with information and support as they work with schools to meet their child's learning needs. These needs include but are not limited to academic, social, emotional, developmental and functional skills. Many of the school staff also take advantage of the services at the Center. Promoting a positive partnership between parents and educators, the Parent Resource Center helps families understand the important role they play as part of the educational team.


School System Advocacy
Student Disability Services
Parenting Education
The Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights Program allows dLCV to expand its services to individuals with disabilities in the community who are not eligible for other advocacy programs. An individual with a disability who requires information or services to overcome discrimination, barriers to living independently, or barriers to accessing benefits and services may be eligible for dLCV assistance under the PAIR Program. Additionally, individuals who need access to goods or services provided by private businesses may be eligible for legal advocacy or representation by dLCV. Individuals may be eligible for services under the PAIR Program only if they are not eligible for DD or PAIMI and are not receiving services under CAP.


Discrimination Assistance
Benefits Assistance
School System Advocacy
The PRC's purpose is to provide parents the support and information they need as they work with the school system to identify and meet their child's unique learning needs. The PRC offers support and assistance, a lending library, a parent newsletter, parent training workshops, and serves as an information and referral source for families and staff members.


Student Disability Services
School System Advocacy
Parenting Education
Provides information for parents of special needs children. Offers training workshops to parents and provides consultation services including information about special education law and services available. Maintains a lending library of current educational and parenting resources.


Parenting Education
Special Education
School System Advocacy
The Parent Resource Center purpose is to provide training, support, and information for parents and educators of students with disabilities.
Provides help for parents of children with special needs from birth through high school, including in-person and telephone support, advocacy training, information about special education law and services, tips about working with the schools, information about specific disabilities, support groups, a lending library for parents and teachers, and a newsletter.
The Family Resource Center provides assistance to parents who have children in Colonial Heights schools. The center provides a place for parents to call or visit with any questions, concerns, or suggestions.
Provide information and support for families, educators and anyone interested in the education of children with or without disabilities. The center provides workshops, newsletters, referral services, lending library and direct support through listening and problem solving with families. We are here to serve, support, help and assist teachers and families.


Parenting Education
School System Advocacy
Student Disability Services
The Parent Resource Center provides information, education, and support for parents of students in Henrico County schools. The center has resources for families and educators who are nurturing the growth and development of all students, with a special focus on additional resources for those who have special needs.
Our purpose is to promote a working relationship between home and school, educate parents about the special education process, including laws and regulations, consult with and guide parents on educational issues, link parents to appropriate service providers and agencies, maintain and update an extensive lending library and offer numerous free workshops throughout the school year.
The PRC provides information, lending library (PDF), and supports parents regarding the special education process in Prince William County, and will refer parents to appropriate resources in the Division and the community.
The Parent Resource Center provides outreach services (support, information, resources, training, education, and special services) that will assist Richmond Public Schools' families in helping their children succeed academically and become contributing citizens in a global society.
Parent Resource Centers are located in each school. Principals can provide you with tools to address your child's learning needs. Please contact the principal at your child's school for more information.
The Powhatan Parent Resource Center offers assistance to families and educators by encouraging effective partnerships between home and school.