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The Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness Act funds this program to provide legal and advocacy services for people with mental illness who live in a hospital or other facility providing care and treatment for their illness. People who have problems while being taken to or from a facility, getting admitted to a facility, or within 90 days of leaving a facility may also be eligible for PAIMI services. Depending on federal funding levels, persons with mental illness who live in the community independently or with family or friends may also be eligible. PAIMI protects the right to: obtain appropriate services; make complaints about services or treatment; ask questions of anyone who is supposed to provide services or treatment; be safe from harm; make decisions about services received; keep records private; and have a written plan in place before leaving a mental health facility.
The Traumatic Brain Injury Program (TBI) is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Traumatic Brain Injury Program as part of a range of activities to help prevent and rehabilitate persons from the impact of TBI. The role of dLCV and other Protection and Advocacy Systems is to improve access to comprehensive, high quality services for people with TBI and to reduce the incidence of discrimination against individuals with TBI. dLCV will work through the TBI grant to help Virginians with TBI and their families know their rights, have barriers reduced to becoming eligible for community services, and to have access to quality health care, rehabilitation, and other services.


Insurance Law
Benefits Assistance
Patient Rights Assistance
Provides basic information on Nursing Facilities, Assisted Living Facilities in Virginia. Also provides referrals to local and State Long-Term Care Ombudsman program where citizens can receive assistance with questions and concerns about long-term care.


Consumer Education
Patient Rights Assistance
Consumer Complaints
CancerLINC connects cancer patients and their families to legal, financial, and community resources to solve the non-medical obstacles that arise with a cancer diagnosis. CancerLINC addresses issues often experienced by patients such as: medical debt, life planning legal documents, employment issues, insurance denials, housing insecurity, community resource support and more. CancerLINC services are always free and the professional services provided by volunteers are free of charge to patients who live below the Federally-defined poverty level. Learn more about at cancerlinc.org.


Patient Rights Assistance
Specialized Information and Referral