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The Arlington Victim/Witness Program is committed to facilitating the treatment of victims with fairness, dignity and respect as specified in the Virginia Bill of Rights Needs of Crime Victims
The Arlington Victim/Witness Program is committed to facilitating the treatment of victims with fairness, dignity and respect as specified in the Virginia Bill of Rights Needs of Crime Victims
Crime Witness Support
Crime Victim Support
Provides crisis counseling and advocacy for crime victims and witnesses.
Provides crisis counseling and advocacy for crime victims and witnesses.
Crime Victim Support
Crime Witness Support
Provides support and advocacy for victims and witnesses of crime. The office assists witnesses required to testify in court and assists with victim compensation and victim impact statements.
Provides support and advocacy for victims and witnesses of crime. The office assists witnesses required to testify in court and assists with victim compensation and victim impact statements.
Crime Victim Support
Crime Witness Support
Helps victims and witnesses of crimes by providing information and support throughout the court process.
Helps victims and witnesses of crimes by providing information and support throughout the court process.
Crime Victim Support
Crime Witness Support
Assist victims of domestic violence in navigating the legal system. Advocates can also assist victims in obtaining protective orders and can provide court accompaniment. The shelter does not employ a lawyer, services are rendered by staff. These services are available to shelter residents and community members.
Assist victims of domestic violence in navigating the legal system. Advocates can also assist victims in obtaining protective orders and can provide court accompaniment. The shelter does not employ a lawyer, services are rendered by staff. These services are available to shelter residents and community members.
Crime Victim Support
Domestic Violence Intervention Programs
Help to insure that crime victims and witnesses receive fair and compassionate treatment while participating in the criminal justice system.
Help to insure that crime victims and witnesses receive fair and compassionate treatment while participating in the criminal justice system.
Crime Witness Support
Crime Victim Support
Provides crisis intervention and court accompaniment and referrals throughout the prosecution process for persons who are victims of crime in Augusta County. Provides an update on the status of the pending criminal case. Available to explain the prosecution procedure (i.e., what is expected of the victim, and what the victim may expect). Addresses safety concerns of the victim and will work with employer or school to advocate for the victim. Assists with victim compensation. Victim(s) or witnesses(es) need to contact this office if telephone or address changes.
Provides crisis intervention and court accompaniment and referrals throughout the prosecution process for persons who are victims of crime in Augusta County. Provides an update on the status of the pending criminal case. Available to explain the prosecution procedure (i.e., what is expected of the victim, and what the victim may expect). Addresses safety concerns of the victim and will work with employer or school to advocate for the victim. Assists with victim compensation. Victim(s) or witnesses(es) need to contact this office if telephone or address changes.
Crime Victim Support
Crime Witness Support
Assists Crime victims and witnesses through the criminal justice system.
Assists Crime victims and witnesses through the criminal justice system.
Crime Witness Support
Crime Victim Support
Provides information concerning victims rights; court advocacy, provides resources and referrals. Explanation of court procedures and tour of courtroom. Assistance with criminal injuries compensation fund. Assistance with victim impact statements.
Provides information concerning victims rights; court advocacy, provides resources and referrals. Explanation of court procedures and tour of courtroom. Assistance with criminal injuries compensation fund. Assistance with victim impact statements.
Crime Victim Support
Crime Witness Support
Provides direct services to victims of crime in Chesterfield County, including explanation of the criminal justice process, protective order assistance, court escorts, and referrals to other local agencies for counseling and/or financial assistance.
Provides direct services to victims of crime in Chesterfield County, including explanation of the criminal justice process, protective order assistance, court escorts, and referrals to other local agencies for counseling and/or financial assistance.
Crime Witness Support
Crime Victim Support
Help to insure that crime victims and witnesses receive fair and compassionate treatment while participating in the criminal justice system.
Help to insure that crime victims and witnesses receive fair and compassionate treatment while participating in the criminal justice system.
Crime Victim Support
Crime Witness Support
Provides direct services to victims and witnesses of crime. Services include: Monitoring restitution payments to ensure that they are being made in a timely fashion; assist in filing for Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund; intervention and follow-up counseling; notification of prisoner status; provide employer intercession; Assist in writing Impact Statements; assist in return of property being held for evidence; updates on case status; accompany victims to court; referals to other resources; assist in obtaining protection; providde advance notice of judicial proceedings.
Provides direct services to victims and witnesses of crime. Services include: Monitoring restitution payments to ensure that they are being made in a timely fashion; assist in filing for Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund; intervention and follow-up counseling; notification of prisoner status; provide employer intercession; Assist in writing Impact Statements; assist in return of property being held for evidence; updates on case status; accompany victims to court; referals to other resources; assist in obtaining protection; providde advance notice of judicial proceedings.
Crime Victim Support
Crime Witness Support
Offers help to families who are in need of community resources. Families do not need to be living in the Samaritan House shelter to use this service. Other services that victim advocates offer are: Crisis counseling and intervention; accompanying victims to court, encourage the victim to attend the Survivor Support Groups; perform a "Safety and Lethality" assessment to help them figure out the danger they are facing; help clients develop a safety plan for each family member.
Offers help to families who are in need of community resources. Families do not need to be living in the Samaritan House shelter to use this service. Other services that victim advocates offer are: Crisis counseling and intervention; accompanying victims to court, encourage the victim to attend the Survivor Support Groups; perform a "Safety and Lethality" assessment to help them figure out the danger they are facing; help clients develop a safety plan for each family member.
Crime Victim Support
MADD provide support to drunk driving crash victims, and support to bereaved families in Richmond and statewide. Support includes emotional support, help through the criminal justice system and information on resources for financial support. MADD is unable to provide financial support to individuals.
MADD provide support to drunk driving crash victims, and support to bereaved families in Richmond and statewide. Support includes emotional support, help through the criminal justice system and information on resources for financial support. MADD is unable to provide financial support to individuals.
Alcohol/Drug Impaired Driving Prevention
Crime Victim Support
Provides assistance and support to victims of crime, including explaining the court process, courtroom accompaniment, referrals for emergency services and crisis needs, help in completing forms, intercession with other criminal justice agencies, and support throughout the criminal justice process.
Provides assistance and support to victims of crime, including explaining the court process, courtroom accompaniment, referrals for emergency services and crisis needs, help in completing forms, intercession with other criminal justice agencies, and support throughout the criminal justice process.
Crime Witness Support
Crime Victim Support
Offers crisis intervention, court accompaniment, social service referrals, assistance with restitution and compensation claims, accompanies clients to meetings with law enforcement, prosecutors, and other agencies.
Offers crisis intervention, court accompaniment, social service referrals, assistance with restitution and compensation claims, accompanies clients to meetings with law enforcement, prosecutors, and other agencies.
Crime Witness Support
Crime Victim Support
Victim/Witness Assistance Program will attempt to make you familiar with steps involved in bringing your case to trial and with services that are available to assist you in this difficult time.
Victim/Witness Assistance Program will attempt to make you familiar with steps involved in bringing your case to trial and with services that are available to assist you in this difficult time.
Crime Victim Support
Crime Witness Support
Helps victims of crimes, witnesses, and their families recover from the trauma of their experience, get medical assistance when required, make their way through the legal system, have an opportunity to provide input to parole or clemency hearings, take appropriate steps, where relevant, to avoid becoming re-victimized, access the benefits to which they are entitled and rebuild their lives.
Helps victims of crimes, witnesses, and their families recover from the trauma of their experience, get medical assistance when required, make their way through the legal system, have an opportunity to provide input to parole or clemency hearings, take appropriate steps, where relevant, to avoid becoming re-victimized, access the benefits to which they are entitled and rebuild their lives.
Crime Witness Support
Crime Victim Support
Provides direct services to victims and witnesses of crime.
Provides direct services to victims and witnesses of crime.
Crime Witness Support
Crime Victim Support
Responds to the needs of victims and witnesses of crime. The program's goal is to ensure that such persons are made aware of their rights and the services available to them. If you are the victim of a crime or subpoenaed to appear as a witness to a crime, please contact the Victim/Witness Program so that we may make you aware of our many resources and helpful information.
Responds to the needs of victims and witnesses of crime. The program's goal is to ensure that such persons are made aware of their rights and the services available to them. If you are the victim of a crime or subpoenaed to appear as a witness to a crime, please contact the Victim/Witness Program so that we may make you aware of our many resources and helpful information.
Crime Victim Support
Crime Witness Support
Provides crisis intervention and court accompaniment and referrals throughout the prosecution process for city victims of crime. Provides an update on the status of the pending criminal case. Coordinator is available to explain the prosecution procedure (i.e., what is expected of the victim, and what the victim may expect). Addresses safety concerns of the victim and will work with employer or school to advocate for the victim. Assists with victim compensation. Victim(s) or witnesses(es) need to contact this office if telephone or address changes.
Provides crisis intervention and court accompaniment and referrals throughout the prosecution process for city victims of crime. Provides an update on the status of the pending criminal case. Coordinator is available to explain the prosecution procedure (i.e., what is expected of the victim, and what the victim may expect). Addresses safety concerns of the victim and will work with employer or school to advocate for the victim. Assists with victim compensation. Victim(s) or witnesses(es) need to contact this office if telephone or address changes.
Crime Witness Support
Crime Victim Support
The Fund reimburses innocent victims of violent crime for out-of-pocket crime related expenses such as: medical, dental, mental health, moving, wage loss, funeral, etc. Victims must be a victim of a violent crime in Virginia, have reported the crime within 120 hours, and cooperate with law enforcement.
The Fund reimburses innocent victims of violent crime for out-of-pocket crime related expenses such as: medical, dental, mental health, moving, wage loss, funeral, etc. Victims must be a victim of a violent crime in Virginia, have reported the crime within 120 hours, and cooperate with law enforcement.
Crime Victim Support
Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance
Advocacy program assisting victims of crime in Lee County Virginia, the Town of Jonesville and the Town of Pennington Gap
Advocacy program assisting victims of crime in Lee County Virginia, the Town of Jonesville and the Town of Pennington Gap
Crime Victim Support
Provides direct services to victims and witnesses of crime.
Provides direct services to victims and witnesses of crime.
Crime Victim Support
The Nottoway County Victim Witness Assistance Program helps to ensure that victims and witnesses of crime in Nottoway County are treated fairly and with compassion while participating in the criminal justice system. The purpose of the program is to assist victims and witnesses during their involvement in the criminal justice system by providing a number of services and information in accordance with Virginia's Crime Victim and Witness Rights Act.
The Nottoway County Victim Witness Assistance Program helps to ensure that victims and witnesses of crime in Nottoway County are treated fairly and with compassion while participating in the criminal justice system. The purpose of the program is to assist victims and witnesses during their involvement in the criminal justice system by providing a number of services and information in accordance with Virginia's Crime Victim and Witness Rights Act.
Crime Victim Support