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Criminal Justice Services Local Offenders Probation program (also referred to as the Community Corrections Program) provides short-term supervision and services primarily for misdemeanor offenders. Post-adjudication, these offenders are court-ordered into the Local Offenders Program. The offenders are given a deferred or suspended sentence pending successful participation.
Criminal Justice Services Local Offenders Probation program (also referred to as the Community Corrections Program) provides short-term supervision and services primarily for misdemeanor offenders. Post-adjudication, these offenders are court-ordered into the Local Offenders Program. The offenders are given a deferred or suspended sentence pending successful participation.
Alternative Sentencing/Supervision
The General Assembly has given the Parole Board authority to grant parole, to deny parole, to detain parole violators, and to revoke parole.
The General Assembly has given the Parole Board authority to grant parole, to deny parole, to detain parole violators, and to revoke parole.
Provides intake for official and unofficial handling of matters involving juveniles and their families. Services include: probation, supervision by court order; diversion/truancy; life skills/mentoring; community service/restitution; drug testing and intensive supervision, electronic monitoring and intensive supervision.
Provides intake for official and unofficial handling of matters involving juveniles and their families. Services include: probation, supervision by court order; diversion/truancy; life skills/mentoring; community service/restitution; drug testing and intensive supervision, electronic monitoring and intensive supervision.
State Trial Courts
Federal Courts
Alternative Sentencing/Supervision
The Division of Juvenile Community Programs are designed to enhance public safety by reducing juvenile delinquency through various valuable prevention services, and evidence based intervention programming that strengthens families and changes the lives of at-risk youth.
The Division of Juvenile Community Programs are designed to enhance public safety by reducing juvenile delinquency through various valuable prevention services, and evidence based intervention programming that strengthens families and changes the lives of at-risk youth.
Juvenile Delinquency Prevention
Alternative Sentencing/Supervision
The ANCHOR Commission is a governmental entity which oversees a Group Home / Shelter Care facility for male teenagers who are court involved and referred - 12 to 17 years of age. Other services provided for all youth are: Outreach Detention and GPS Monitoring, Seven Challenges and Brief Challenges substance use programs, Aggression Replacement Training (A.R.T.), Co-Parenting: Two Parents, Two Homes (custody) class, Transitional Day Program (TDP) and Lee Ford Camp Recreational Facility.
The ANCHOR Commission is a governmental entity which oversees a Group Home / Shelter Care facility for male teenagers who are court involved and referred - 12 to 17 years of age. Other services provided for all youth are: Outreach Detention and GPS Monitoring, Seven Challenges and Brief Challenges substance use programs, Aggression Replacement Training (A.R.T.), Co-Parenting: Two Parents, Two Homes (custody) class, Transitional Day Program (TDP) and Lee Ford Camp Recreational Facility.
Alternative Sentencing/Supervision
Correctional Facilities
Family Preservation Programs
Administers programs that enhances public safety by controlling and supervising sentenced offenders in a humane, cost efficient manner, consistent with sound correctional principles and constitutional standards.
Administers programs that enhances public safety by controlling and supervising sentenced offenders in a humane, cost efficient manner, consistent with sound correctional principles and constitutional standards.
Criminal Justice Services Local Offenders Probation program (also referred to as the Community Corrections Program) provides short-term supervision and services primarily for misdemeanor offenders. Post-adjudication, these offenders are court-ordered into the Local Offenders Program. The offenders are given a deferred or suspended sentence pending successful participation.
Criminal Justice Services Local Offenders Probation program (also referred to as the Community Corrections Program) provides short-term supervision and services primarily for misdemeanor offenders. Post-adjudication, these offenders are court-ordered into the Local Offenders Program. The offenders are given a deferred or suspended sentence pending successful participation.
Alternative Sentencing/Supervision
Provides court-ordered supervision for pre-trial youth remaining in the community.
Provides court-ordered supervision for pre-trial youth remaining in the community.
Alternative Sentencing/Supervision
The Outreach Detention program provides specialized support and supervision to youth who have cases pending before a Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court.
The Outreach Detention program provides specialized support and supervision to youth who have cases pending before a Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court.
Alternative Sentencing/Supervision
Supervision as requested by the court to families at risk and in which there is concern for the welfare of the children. Must be court ordered.
Supervision as requested by the court to families at risk and in which there is concern for the welfare of the children. Must be court ordered.
Alternative Sentencing/Supervision
A city juvenile & domestic court. Processes custody, visitation, spousal abuse, domestic assault petitions and other family matters. Also processes petitions in juvenile criminal matters. Provides community-based supervision for juvenile offenders on probation and or parole. Serving the cities of Roanoke and Salem, Roanoke County and the Town of Vinton.
A city juvenile & domestic court. Processes custody, visitation, spousal abuse, domestic assault petitions and other family matters. Also processes petitions in juvenile criminal matters. Provides community-based supervision for juvenile offenders on probation and or parole. Serving the cities of Roanoke and Salem, Roanoke County and the Town of Vinton.
Alternative Sentencing/Supervision
Federal Courts
State Trial Courts
Provides an array of alternative sentencing options for the judiciary of Staunton, Waynesboro, Augusta County and Highland County. Programs offered include pretrial investigation and supervision, post conviction or local probation programs, domestic violence programs, home electronic monitoring, drug court programming, re-entry programs for offenders being released from incarceration and restorative justice programs for non-violent youthful offenders.
Provides an array of alternative sentencing options for the judiciary of Staunton, Waynesboro, Augusta County and Highland County. Programs offered include pretrial investigation and supervision, post conviction or local probation programs, domestic violence programs, home electronic monitoring, drug court programming, re-entry programs for offenders being released from incarceration and restorative justice programs for non-violent youthful offenders.
Alternative Sentencing/Supervision
Federal Courts
OAR works with Arlington County and the City of Falls Church Courts to provide alternative sentencing and diversion programs. OAR's community service program allows individuals to do volunteer work in the community in lieu of jail time and fines, to work off their accrued court costs, and also pay court costs. OAR is implementing a Diversion program in partnership with the Vera Institute and Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney - Arlington County and the City of Falls Church with the goal of reducing recidivism as well as racial disparities amongst individuals sentenced to diversion programs.
OAR works with Arlington County and the City of Falls Church Courts to provide alternative sentencing and diversion programs. OAR's community service program allows individuals to do volunteer work in the community in lieu of jail time and fines, to work off their accrued court costs, and also pay court costs. OAR is implementing a Diversion program in partnership with the Vera Institute and Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney - Arlington County and the City of Falls Church with the goal of reducing recidivism as well as racial disparities amongst individuals sentenced to diversion programs.
Alternative Sentencing/Supervision
The court service unit provides intake for juvenile complaints and petitions for custody, visitation or protective orders; as well as provides court ordered probation supervision and parole supervision for juveniles who have been committed to the Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice.
The court service unit provides intake for juvenile complaints and petitions for custody, visitation or protective orders; as well as provides court ordered probation supervision and parole supervision for juveniles who have been committed to the Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice.
State Trial Courts
Alternative Sentencing/Supervision
Federal Courts
Provide a balanced approach of comprehensive services that prevent and reduce juvenile delinquency.
Provide a balanced approach of comprehensive services that prevent and reduce juvenile delinquency.
Alternative Sentencing/Supervision
Juvenile Delinquency Prevention
Administers programs that enhances public safety by controlling and supervising sentenced offenders in a humane, cost efficient manner, consistent with sound correctional principles and constitutional standards.
Administers programs that enhances public safety by controlling and supervising sentenced offenders in a humane, cost efficient manner, consistent with sound correctional principles and constitutional standards.
Provides alternative to jail for defendants awaiting trial. Defendants must be charged with misdemeanors or non-violent felonies and placed into the program by the courts with required conditions. Participants are supervised by Pretrial officials. Participation in the program's Substance Abuse Education or Relapse, Shoplifters, Anger Management or Domestic Violence Groups may be required. Also provides background reports on newly arrested defendants to the courts to assist in release decisions at arraignments.
Provides alternative to jail for defendants awaiting trial. Defendants must be charged with misdemeanors or non-violent felonies and placed into the program by the courts with required conditions. Participants are supervised by Pretrial officials. Participation in the program's Substance Abuse Education or Relapse, Shoplifters, Anger Management or Domestic Violence Groups may be required. Also provides background reports on newly arrested defendants to the courts to assist in release decisions at arraignments.
Alternative Sentencing/Supervision
Provides programs and services to curtail juvenile delinquency and to resolve child custody, visitation and support disputes. Acts as a deterrent to help prevent as many problems as possible for juveniles and their families. Referrals are made to appropriate community resource and diversion programs when necessary. Provides probation and parole supervision for those youth who have been placed on probation and parole by the court.
Provides programs and services to curtail juvenile delinquency and to resolve child custody, visitation and support disputes. Acts as a deterrent to help prevent as many problems as possible for juveniles and their families. Referrals are made to appropriate community resource and diversion programs when necessary. Provides probation and parole supervision for those youth who have been placed on probation and parole by the court.
Alternative Sentencing/Supervision
Court Filing Offices
Includes community based projects supervised by agency facilitators occuring throughout the region in each locality. Projects occur on a rotating basis through partnerships with local nonprofit agencies.
Includes community based projects supervised by agency facilitators occuring throughout the region in each locality. Projects occur on a rotating basis through partnerships with local nonprofit agencies.
Alternative Sentencing/Supervision
Administers programs that enhances public safety by controlling and supervising sentenced offenders in a humane, cost efficient manner, consistent with sound correctional principles and constitutional standards.
Administers programs that enhances public safety by controlling and supervising sentenced offenders in a humane, cost efficient manner, consistent with sound correctional principles and constitutional standards.
Administers programs that enhances public safety by controlling and supervising sentenced offenders in a humane, cost efficient manner, consistent with sound correctional principles and constitutional standards.
Administers programs that enhances public safety by controlling and supervising sentenced offenders in a humane, cost efficient manner, consistent with sound correctional principles and constitutional standards.
Alternative Sentencing/Supervision
Outreach Program: Provide or make referrals for services to children placed in Outreach program by Juvenile Courts that will keep the children trouble free, make them available to the Court where applicable, and to avoid the need for secure detention and/or placement in other institutions outside of community. Electronic Monitoring - use electronic monitoring equipment to monitor juvenile in home setting, avoiding the need for secure detention.
Outreach Program: Provide or make referrals for services to children placed in Outreach program by Juvenile Courts that will keep the children trouble free, make them available to the Court where applicable, and to avoid the need for secure detention and/or placement in other institutions outside of community. Electronic Monitoring - use electronic monitoring equipment to monitor juvenile in home setting, avoiding the need for secure detention.
Alternative Sentencing/Supervision
Administers programs that enhances public safety by controlling and supervising sentenced offenders in a humane, cost efficient manner, consistent with sound correctional principles and constitutional standards.
Administers programs that enhances public safety by controlling and supervising sentenced offenders in a humane, cost efficient manner, consistent with sound correctional principles and constitutional standards.
Probation and Parole - Ashland, Probation and Parole District 41, Virginia Department of Corrections
Administers programs that enhances public safety by controlling and supervising sentenced offenders in a humane, cost efficient manner, consistent with sound correctional principles and constitutional standards.
Administers programs that enhances public safety by controlling and supervising sentenced offenders in a humane, cost efficient manner, consistent with sound correctional principles and constitutional standards.