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Rental Security/Utility Deposit Program To assist low income households to secure decent, safe and affordable housing by providing funding for the security and/or utility deposits for a rental housing unit approved by the Rental Housing division. For the purpose of this program, an individual is considered a household. Assistance is provided based on the availability of funding , and is provided one time only to eligible households. Please call the Regional Housing Crisis Hotline at (757) 227-5932 to begin the referral process. Optional Relocation Program To reduce the effect of financial hardships suffered by low or moderate-income tenants or owner occupants who are temporarily or permanently displaced from their housing unit by Code Enforcement or other city agency action due to unsafe and or hazardous living conditions. Assistance is provided based on the availability of funding and is provided one time only to eligible households. Please call the Regional Housing Crisis Hotline at (757) 227-5932 to begin the referral process. Tenant Based Rental Assistance Program To assist low income homeless families and/or those in imminent danger of becoming homeless to secure decent, safe and affordable housing by providing funding for vouchers to be utilized for rental housing units approved by the Rental Housing division. Initial voucher assistance is for twelve months and may be renewed one time for up to an additional twelve months subject to the availability of funding. Please call the Regional Housing Crisis Hotline at (757) 227-5932.


Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers
Rental Deposit Assistance
Utility Deposit Assistance
Public Housing
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Rent Payment Assistance
The Energy Assistance Program (EAP)consists of three components; Fuel Assistance (FA), Coolng Assistance (CA) and Emergency Crisis Assistance (CAP). The FA component is intended to provide supplemental assistance to offset the rising costs of heating expenses. The CAP component is intended to provide assistance with heating equipment needs and emergency fuel outages. Fuel Assistance opens the second Tuesday in October. The last day for applying is the second Friday in November. Main Qualifications: Have a heating need, meet the income and resource levels, include all persons living in the household, live in an eligible living arrangement and meet the citizenship requirements. Crisis Assistance applicants must meet the following: income level, resource level. Deposits: Opens the first working day in November. May only receive once per lifetime per fuel type. (Natural gas, electric and LP gas) Heating Equipment: Opens November 1st or the first working day in November for Replacement, purchase, or repair of primary heating source. Primary Fuel: Opens the first working day in January. It is for those that did not receive fuel assistance. Requires cut off notice for electric and gas. Almost out of fuel oil, wood, coal or island purchased kerosene. Cooling Assistance: Is offered during the beginning in mid-June. Must meet eligibility requirements.


Utility Service Connection/Repair
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Utility Deposit Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
The Energy Assistance Program (EAP)consists of three components; Fuel Assistance (FA), Coolng Assistance (CA) and Emergency Crisis Assistance (CAP). The FA component is intended to provide supplemental assistance to offset the rising costs of heating expenses. The CAP component is intended to provide assistance with heating equipment needs and emergency fuel outages. Fuel Assistance opens the second Tuesday in October. The last day for applying is the second Friday in November. Main Qualifications: Have a heating need, meet the income and resource levels, include all persons living in the household, live in an eligible living arrangement and meet the citizenship requirements. Crisis Assistance applicants must meet the following: income level, resource level. Deposits: Opens the first working day in November. May only receive once per lifetime per fuel type. (Natural gas, electric and LP gas) Heating Equipment: Opens November 1st or the first working day in November for Replacement, purchase, or repair of primary heating source. Primary Fuel: Opens the first working day in January. It is for those that did not receive fuel assistance. Requires cut off notice for electric and gas. Almost out of fuel oil, wood, coal or island purchased kerosene. Cooling Assistance: Is offered during the beginning in mid-June. Must meet eligibility requirements.


Electric Service Payment Assistance
Utility Deposit Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Utility Service Connection/Repair
Gas Service Payment Assistance
The Energy Assistance Program (EAP)consists of three components; Fuel Assistance (FA), Coolng Assistance (CA) and Emergency Crisis Assistance (CAP). The FA component is intended to provide supplemental assistance to offset the rising costs of heating expenses. The CAP component is intended to provide assistance with heating equipment needs and emergency fuel outages. Fuel Assistance opens the second Tuesday in October. The last day for applying is the second Friday in November. Main Qualifications: Have a heating need, meet the income and resource levels, include all persons living in the household, live in an eligible living arrangement and meet the citizenship requirements. Crisis Assistance applicants must meet the following: income level, resource level. Deposits: Opens the first working day in November. May only receive once per lifetime per fuel type. (Natural gas, electric and LP gas) Heating Equipment: Opens November 1st or the first working day in November for Replacement, purchase, or repair of primary heating source. Primary Fuel: Opens the first working day in January. It is for those that did not receive fuel assistance. Requires cut off notice for electric and gas. Almost out of fuel oil, wood, coal or island purchased kerosene. Cooling Assistance: Is offered during the beginning in mid-June. Must meet eligibility requirements.


Gas Service Payment Assistance
Utility Deposit Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Utility Service Connection/Repair
When funding is available assist individuals/households experncient homelessness in locating and access permanent housing. When funding available financial assistance includes utility deposits, rental deposits, and short-term rent payments.


Rental Deposit Assistance
Utility Deposit Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Provide funds to help with a wide range of financial needs. Common situations include: Food, rent/mortgage, utilities, essential home repairs Establishing a new residence, including security and utility deposits Car expenses, such as repairs and insurance deductibles Medical expenses Military pay shortage / delayed entitlements Funeral expenses


Mortgage Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Military Family Service/Support Centers
Personal Loans
Rent Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Medical Expense Assistance
Utility Deposit Assistance
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance