Central Intake - Radford, Housing Crisis Hotline, New River Community Action
NRCA Housing Counselors offer one-on-one confidential counseling sessions. NRCA provides information on the following topics: Resolving or Preventing Mortgage Delinquency or Default, Post Purchase (including home maintenance and repair), Rental Topics, and Homeless Assistance. CNRCA Housing Counselors are professionals who provide guidance and coaching to families to assist them in improving their housing situation and meeting the responsibilities of tenancy and homeownership. Housing Counselors are HUD Certified, receiving ongoing training and certifications as needed for Housing Counseling services. Housing Counselors evaluate clients based on need and urgency to determine appropriate services or referrals. Clients’ ineligible for Homelessness Prevention or Rapid Rehousing are referred to their local Emergency Assistance office for Housing Counseling.
Physical Address
701 Church Street, Blacksburg, VA 24060
After hours and weekends call (540)320-7028
(540) 633-2585
Application process
NRCA also has a new online application: https://newrivercommunityaction.org/application-for-nrca-services/ For Rental or mortgage payment assistance, call our Housing Crisis Hotline at 540-639-3159.
No one will be denied service for inability to pay. No fee
Service area
Radford, VA Floyd, VA Giles, VA Montgomery, VA Pulaski, VA
Agency info
New River Community Action
New River Community Action is a non-profit agency working with community groups in the New River Valley to address local conditions of poverty in Floyd, Giles, Montgomery, and Pulaski Counties and Radford City. Our programs include Emergency Assistance and Food Pantries, Head Start, Children's Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP), Swift Start, Homeless and Housing Programs, To Our House men and women's winter shelter, Virginia CARES, and free assistance with tax preparation through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program.