
Thrift Store - Manassas, ReStore, Habitat for Humanity Prince William County

The Habitat for Humanity ReStore receives building materials, appliances, furniture, tools and more that have been donated by corporations, construction companies and individuals and then sells these items to the general public at 40% to 90% off retail prices. All proceeds from the ReStore support providing adequate housing and home repairs in partnership with local families in need. Free donation pick up: 703-369-6145 or [email protected].

Physical Address

10159 Hastings Drive, Manassas, VA 20110


(703) 393-2878

Application process

Call for an application.

Service area

Manassas City, VA

Agency info

Habitat for Humanity Prince William County

Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry seeking to eliminate poverty housing and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action.