GED - Richmond, GED Test, Virginia Department of Education
The only Virginia Board-approved High School Equivalency examination in Virginia is the GED test, developed jointly by the American Council on Education and Pearson Vue, to enable persons who have not graduated from high school to demonstrate the attainment of abilities normally associated with completion of a high school program of study. The 2014 GED® test series measures not only high school equivalency, but also career and college readiness. The four tests include Reasoning through Language Arts (Writing and Reading), Mathematical Reasoning, Science, and Social Studies
Physical Address
420 North Center Drive, Norfolk, VA 23502
Application process
Eligible candidates must be nominated by the institution. Nominees must submit a complete application for a Virginia Teaching Scholarship Loan directly to the regionally accredited public or private four-year Virginia college or university with a state-approved teacher education program. Only the dean/chair, director or other authorized designee of teacher education in accordance with the procedures established by the student's home institution may submit completed applications to the Virginia Department of Education. Those students selected for the scholarship loan will be notified by the Virginia Department of Education. The students will be required to submit a signed, notarized Promissory Note to the Virginia Department of Education. Through the VTSLP, eligible students may receive a scholarship loan for as much as $10,000 per academic year for full-time students and will be prorated for part-time students based on the number of credit hours.
Service area
Agency info
Virginia Department of Education
To educate students in the fundamental knowledge and academic subjects that students need to become capable, responsible, and self-reliant citizens.