
Animal Services - Roanoke, Regional Center for Animal Control and Protection

Receives stray and owner relinquished animals from Roanoke City, Roanoke County, Botetourt County and the Town of Vinton and is an open intake facility. Primarily handles stray animals picked up by the Animal Control Officers employed by the municipalities, but also accepts strays that are found, and animals owned, by citizens of the municipalities served. Does NOT have a veterinarian on staff and is unable to provide medical care for pets owned by the public. If a pet is ill or injured, please visit a personal veterinarian. Has an adoption program, works with rescue organizations and has a foster program.

Physical Address

1510 Baldwin Avenue, Roanoke, VA 24012


Monday: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM; Tuesday: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM; Thursday: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM; Friday: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM; Saturday: 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM


(540) 344-4906

Application process

Call for more information.




Service area

Botetourt, VA

Agency info

Regional Center for Animal Care and Protection

Serves the City of Roanoke, the Counties of Botetourt and Roanoke, and the Town of Vinton, and is an open intake facility.