
Food Bank - Norfolk, Food Bank Services, Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia

A member of Feeding America and the Federation of Virginia Food Banks Food is sorted, boxed, and delivered to more than 400 partner agencies and programs.

Physical Address

800 Tidewater Drive, Norfolk, VA 23504


Call office for additional information.


(757) 627-8588

Application process

Call office for additional information. Please see website and/or social media pages for food distribution days, times & locations. Individuals can also go to the Foodbankonline.org and enter zip to find a local food pantry in their area.



Service area

Chesapeake, VA Franklin, VA Norfolk, VA Portsmouth, VA Suffolk, VA Virginia Beach, VA Isle Of Wight, VA Northampton, VA Southampton, VA Sussex, VA

Agency info

Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia

The Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia and the Eastern Shore's mission is to lead the effort to eliminate hunger in our community.