Emergency Shelter - Harrisonburg, Salvation Army Harrisonburg
The Family Services and Emergency Shelter provides families and single adults with shelter and support , including basic and intensive case management, health and nutritional programs, and other community connections.
Physical Address
895 Jefferson Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802
Client intake begins daily at 4:00PM and is first-come first-served
Application process
Client intake begins daily at 4:00PM and is first-come first-served. Single person must be 18 years of age. Stay is limited if not from Rockingham County. Longer stays are determined by Social Service Director.
Service area
Harrisonburg, VA Rockingham, VA
Agency info
Salvation Army Harrisonburg
Provides a charitable organization that is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination. From their current location on Ashby Avenue they meet the needs of those caught in emergencies, those down trodden and less fortunate, those abused, and all who have lost their way. The Salvation Army stands with a caring community to provide shelter, clothes, food, counseling, job search assistance, and Spiritual Guidance. For Emergency Shelter after 4:30PM, Please call: (540)433-2785