
Food - Floyd, Floyd County School Childrens Weekend Food Backpack Program, New River Community Action

Food is provided to children in need to meet their weekend nutritional needs. Food is discreetly distributed to children at school on Thursdays. Food is child-friendly and easily consumed. This project is supported by EMPTY BOWLS! Fundraiser.

Physical Address

120 Epperly Mill Road Southwest, Floyd, VA 24091


Only when public school is in session. Closed during summer and holidays.


(540) 745-2106


(540) 633-2585

Application process

Contact the office or download an application from the website. Return the completed application to the NRCA office or to the child's school.


No fee



Service area

Floyd, VA

Agency info

New River Community Action

New River Community Action is a non-profit agency working with community groups in the New River Valley to address local conditions of poverty in Floyd, Giles, Montgomery, and Pulaski Counties and Radford City. Our programs include Emergency Assistance and Food Pantries, Head Start, Children's Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP), Swift Start, Homeless and Housing Programs, To Our House men and women's winter shelter, Virginia CARES, and free assistance with tax preparation through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program.