Psychiatric Services-Youth - Roanoke, Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare
Serves children and adolescents aged three through seventeen who are experiencing disruption in their lives due to emotional disturbance. Services include: psychiatric evaluation, medication management, case management, and case consultation.
Physical Address
1315 Franklin Road Southwest, Roanoke, VA 24016
Call for more information
Application process
Professional referral required
Service area
Roanoke, VA Salem, VA Botetourt, VA Craig, VA Roanoke, VA
Agency info
Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare
Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare (BRBH) is one of forty Community Services Boards established under the Code of Virginia to provide comprehensive services for individuals who have mental health disorders, intellectual disability, or substance use disorders. We are charged also with continuously monitoring and evaluating our services to ensure their cost effectiveness and applicability to current citizen needs. BRBH operates multiple programs throughout the Roanoke Valley.