
Health Screening/Diagnosis - Radford, Breast and Cervical Early Detection Program, Radford City Health Department

Clinicians provide clinical breast examination, breast self-exam instruction, mammograms, pap smears, and limited diagnostic services to women who meet the following eligibility criteria: *Ages 50-64; *Resident of Virginia; *Limited income(to 200 percent poverty level); *No insurance or insufficient insurance; *No Medicaid or Medicare; Low income, uninsured, and under-insured women who are under the age of fifty may also qualify for free mammograms through a Carilion Clinic grant awarded by The Greater Roanoke Valley Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

Physical Address

220 East Main Street, Radford, VA 24141


(540) 831-6109

Application process

Call for an appointment or clinic times.

Service area

Radford, VA

Agency info

Radford City Health Department

Radford City Health Department is part of the New River Health District. Offers a variety of programs and health services to enhance the health of the citizens of the county.