Admissions - Tasley, Same Day Access Services, Eastern Shore Community Services Board
offer individuals same-day access to service enrollment by providing an initial intake. Individuals may simply walk into our Parksley locations, listed below, to be seen the same day for registration and evaluation. Same Day Access (SDA) services are available ONLY during the times listed below. Arriving early is of no benefit.
Physical Address
24278 Bennett Street, Parksley, VA 23421
(757) 442-2319
Application process
Upon arrival, individuals will be able to speak with a staff member, face-to-face. After screening and financial information are gathered, an individual will receive an initial comprehensive assessment that same day (please plan for this to take approximately two hours).
Service area
Accomack, VA Northampton, VA
Agency info
Eastern Shore Community Services Board
Provides a continuum of services and supports for people of all ages affected by mental illness, substance use, and intellectual and developmental disabilities.