
Emergency Assistance - Emporia, Greensville/Emporia Department of Social Services

Emergency Assistance (EA) provides short term, limited financial assistance to families with children when a fire or other natural disaster has destroyed those things necessary for taking care of your family. Emergency Assistance is also available if your family lost all income between December 1 and March 15 and the loss is due to severe weather or energy shortage layoffs. Emergency Assistance payments can be made for food, clothing, shelter, or the repair or replacement of essential household items. The amount of assistance cannot be more than $500 and is limited to 30 consecutive days in any 12 month.

Physical Address

1100 Greensville County Circle, Emporia, VA 23847


(434) 634-4986


(434) 634-4986

Application process

Call the office for more information.

Service area

Emporia, VA Greensville, VA

Agency info

Greensville/Emporia Department of Social Services

To enhance the quality of life for the citizens of the City of Emporia and Greensville County who are in need, through family based programs that promote the self-sufficiency of families and safeguard vulnerable children and adults.