
Affordable Housing - Fredericksburg, Central Virginia Housing Coalition

CVHC own or manage affordable housing units which are available for rent when vacancies become available to lower income families. Rental units are located in the Fredericksburg area. CVHC is able to rent properties at below-market rates to interested tenants in the community.

Physical Address

2300 Charles Street, Fredericksburg, VA 22401


(540) 604-9949


(540) 604-9949

Application process

Call for additional information.


Call for Information



Service area

Fredericksburg, VA King George, VA Caroline, VA Culpeper, VA Fauquier, VA Spotsylvania, VA Stafford, VA

Agency info

Central Virginia Housing Coalition

Central Virginia Housing Coalition improves the regional quality of life by providing affordable housing opportunities to low income families through coalition, education, counseling and financial assistance.