After School Program - Norfolk, Club Sandwich, Wesley Memorial United Methodist
After School Tutoring is provided every school day for neighborhood children ages 7 thru 14 from 3:00pm until 6:00pm. Program is offered September-June. Summer Lunch Program provides nutritious lunch for children ages 3 thru 18 from 12:30pm until 1:00pm. A recreation time is provided from 11:30am until 2:30pm. Any student ages 7-18 may come for a free lunch as well as being able to participate in the enrichment program. We will feed any child under age 7 but they will have to be accompanied by an adult (parent/guardian) not a sibling or younger family member - NO exceptions.
Physical Address
288 East Little Creek Road, Norfolk, VA 23505
Application process
Walk-ins accepted; Call for more information regading times.
Service area
Norfolk, VA
Agency info
Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church
Offers outreach programs that include a clothing closet and a community dinner.