Case/Care Management - Gloucester, Gloucester Department of Social Services
Adult Services are provided to impaired persons who are eighteen years of age and older and to persons sixty years or older. Adult services available include the provision of case management, home-based companion services, screening for Medicaid community-based care and nursing home placement, screening for admission to Adult Care Residents (Home for Adults), and other activities to aid the adult and their family.
Physical Address
6641 Short Lane, Gloucester, VA 23061
(804) 693-5511
(804) 693-5511
Application process
Telephone referral
Service area
Gloucester County, VA
Agency info
Gloucester Department of Social Services
Provides community-based services that educates, promotes family stability, self-reliance and has benefit programs that meet the basic needs of citizens. It also provides programs that protect against abuse and neglect of children and adults.