Housing Subsidized Elderly and Disabled - Harrisonburg, Harrisonburg Redevelopment & Housing Authority
Provides affordable housing for the elderly age 62+ or disabled. Apply directly online harrisonburgrha.com or at the Harrisonburg Redevelopment & Housing Authority. To reach the Apartments directly, please call (540)434-5595.
Physical Address
265 N Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802
(540) 432-1113
Application process
Call for information. Income guidelines apply. Apply for Section 8 housing vouchers directly online at harrisonburgrha.com or at the Harrisonburg Redevelopment & Housing Authority. Online Application availible.
Service area
Harrisonburg, VA Rockingham, VA
Agency info
Harrisonburg Redevelopment & Housing Authority
Provides affordable housing for low income individuals and their families. Offers public housing, Section 8 housing and a Family Self-Sufficiency Program to assist low income individuals to become homeowners.