
Home Ownership - Warrenton, Fauquier Habitat for Humanity

Provides an ecumenical Christian housing ministry which seeks to eliminate poverty housing by building decent affordable homes for qualified low-income families to purchase and live in. Volunteers welcomed from all walks of life.

Physical Address

98 Alexandria Pike, Warrenton, VA 20186

Application process

Application required.

Service area

Fauquier, VA Rappahannock, VA

Agency info

Fauquier Habitat for Humanity

Fauquier Habitat for Humanity partners with individuals or families who live in Fauquier or Rappahannock County, whose income falls between 30-60% of the Area Median Income, to build a safe, energy-efficient home. Once the house is complete, the partner pays an affordable mortgage. Fauquier Habitat has a critical home repair and aging in place program, serving Fauquier and Rappahannock Counties.