
Well/Septic - Lynchburg, Lynchburg Health Department

Environmental Health Specialists work to protect drinking water and groundwater resources by ensuring sanitary handling and disposal of sewage and protection of drinking water supplies. Issue sewage disposal system construction permits and inspect finished sewage disposal systems. Issue construction permits for drinking water wells to make sure they are located and constructed properly. Inspect and permit businesses which pump septic tanks and dispose of sewage. Investigate reports of sewage spills or other kinds of groundwater contamination.

Physical Address

307 Alleghany Avenue, Lynchburg, VA 24501


(434) 947-2009

Application process

Please call 434-477-5974 for for an appointment.

Service area

Lynchburg, VA

Agency info

Lynchburg Health Department

Practicing public health, meeting the needs of the present while planning for the future.