Head Start - Blacksburg, New River Community Action
Head Start is a federally funded Pre-Kindergarten program which provides low-income children ages three to five years with a variety of experiences to help them develop socially, cognitively, physically, and emotionally. Because Head Start regards the parent as the most important teacher in a child’s life, we involve parents as much as possible in every aspect of the program. New River Community Action Head Start’s mission is to build on the unique strengths of children and families through positive engagement, health education, and a quality Pre-Kindergarten experience. CLASSROOM-BASED Serves 3-5-year-old children Full day: five days a week from August to May. Part day: four days a week, Tuesday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., August to May. The classroom environment is arranged to engage children and promote learning throughout the day. Family/Health Advocates are available on site to help families establish educational and family goals and to connect with community resources. Parents are encouraged to be active members of the Parent Center Committee. They can take part in parent activities and training opportunities. Parents are encouraged to attend Celebrations of Learning. These include a showcase of children’s learning opportunities throughout the year.
Physical Address
701 Church Street, Blacksburg, VA 24060
Application process
NRCA also has a new online application: https://newrivercommunityaction.org/application-for-nrca-services/ For Rental or mortgage payment assistance, call our Housing Crisis Hotline at 540-639-3159.
Service area
Montgomery, VA
Agency info
New River Community Action
New River Community Action is a non-profit agency working with community groups in the New River Valley to address local conditions of poverty in Floyd, Giles, Montgomery, and Pulaski Counties and Radford City. Our programs include Emergency Assistance and Food Pantries, Head Start, Children's Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP), Swift Start, Homeless and Housing Programs, To Our House men and women's winter shelter, Virginia CARES, and free assistance with tax preparation through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program.