
Meals Home Delivered - Lexington, Campus Kitchen Project, Washington and Lee University

Provides a Campus Kitchen Project at Washington and Lee that partners with Dining and Catering Services to make use of surplus food on campus. The Campus Kitchen also works in partnership with other local donors such as restaurants and grocery stores in order to receive food. Using a combination of prepared food from on-campus donations and food from these additional partners, the Campus Kitchen at Washington and Lee prepares and delivers hundreds of healthy and delicious meals to agencies and individuals in Rockbridge County every week.

Physical Address

204 West Washington Street, Lexington, VA 24450


(540) 458-5867


(540) 458-5867

Application process

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Service area

Lexington, VA Rockbridge, VA

Agency info

Washington and Lee University

Provides a private non-profit University that offers undergraduates a College of Arts and Sciences and the Williams School of Commerce, Economics, and Politics.