
TANF - Chatham, Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services

Provides eligible families with a monthly cash payment to meet their basic needs.


Physical Address

220 H G Mcghee Drive, Chatham, VA 24531


(434) 432-0923


(434) 432-0923

Application process

Walk-ins and telephone referrals. Screen for eligibility and apply online at: commonhelp.virginia.gov or call the enterprise call center.

Service area

Pittsylvania, VA

Agency info

Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services

The Pittsylvania County Department of Social Services preserves families and protects children and vulnerable adults from abuse and neglect and the effects of poverty through collaborative engagement, prevention strategies, and the provision of human-based services that support recipients’ health, safety, and permanency. Primary Assistance and Purchase of Service programs include: SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), Medicaid (including an Outstationed Eligibility Worker in partnership with PATHS (Piedmont Access to Health Services), located at PATHS), Auxiliary Grant, LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program), Employment Services (including SNAPET (SNAP Employment & Training) and VIEW (Virginia Initiative for Education and Work)), Fraud, Child Care, Adult Services and Protective Services, Child Protective Services, Foster Care, and Adoption. Additionally, the department administers EnergyShare for Dominion Energy, partners with the nonsecular community through CarePortal, and may offer material assistance (based on the availability of funds). The department provides 24/7 on-call availability. In order to report an APS or CPS concern during non-normal business hours, call: APS: 1-888-832-3858 CPS: 1-800-552-7096 (In Virginia); 1-804-786-8536 (Out-of-state); 1-800-828-1120 (Hearing-impaired) Or, local law enforcement (Sheriff’s Office) non-emergency: 1-434-432-7931.