
Developmental Delays - Hampton, Early Prevention and Intervention for Children (EPIC), VersAbility Resources

EPIC supports infants and toddlers, ages birth up to 3, with disabilities and/or developmental delays who live in Hampton or Newport News. A family-centered program that provides information and support to families of infants and toddlers between the ages of 0-3 with developmental delays. Free developmental screenings are provided for any child living in Hampton and Newport News under the age of 3. Staff help develop an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), which includes the family's needs, preferences, and concerns regarding their child and their family. Each child/family is assigned to a Service Coordinator at the time of the referral/intake. The support coordinators then set up the tailored therapy sessions with the families to ensure the child reaches their full potential.

Physical Address

6750 Main Street, Gloucester, VA 23061


(757) 896-8470

Application process

Telephone referral



Service area

Newport News City, VA Hampton City, VA

Agency info

VersAbility Resources

VersAbility Resources supports people with disabilities in leading productive and fulfilling lives through early childhood, day support, community living, and diverse employment programs. Services are provided throughout Hampton Roads and the Middle Peninsula/Northern Neck region.