Audiology Services - Farmville, Longwood Speech, Hearing and Learning Services
A university-based clinic providing speech-language evaluations/therapy; audiology services, including hearing aids. Hearing tests for infants, children and adults.
Physical Address
315 West 3rd Street, Farmville, VA 23901
(434) 395-2622
Application process
Call the office, describe concerns and needs, consumer is scheduled within 2-3 days.
Service area
Powhatan, VA Halifax, VA Amelia, VA Brunswick, VA Buckingham, VA Charlotte, VA Cumberland, VA Dinwiddie, VA Halifax, VA Lunenburg, VA Mecklenburg, VA Prince Edward, VA
Agency info
Longwood Speech, Hearing and Learning Services
Longwood's Speech, Hearing, and Learning Services is to a community resource for children and families in southcentral Virginia, providing services in speech-language, educational, and early intervention programs.