Counseling - Bristol, Children’s Advocacy Center, Highlands Community Services
Our mission is to guide and support child victims of neglect, sexual and severe physical abuse and their families by coordinating investigative intervention, treatment, and prosecutorial services. We strive to be the resource facilitator for best practice in the field of child abuse investigations, treatment and prosecution.
Physical Address
21451 Sugar Hollow Road, Bristol, VA 24202
(276) 676-3390
Application process
The ACCESS intake telephone number, 276-525-1550, is the entryway into any HCS program or service for individual consumers and referring agencies. The call will be answered by a trained ACCESS specialist who will ask some simple questions and get basic information. They will then explain the available services, verify insurance coverage, and schedule an initial appointment.
Service area
Bristol, VA Washington, VA
Agency info
Highlands Community Services
Improving lives. Discovering possibilities. Highlands Community Services has provided mental health, substance abuse, and developmental services to the residents of Washington County and Bristol, VA for over forty years. HCS is dedicated to discovering, implementing, and sustaining valuable services that assist our community and those who live in it.