Child Protective Services - Tazewell, Tazewell County Social Services
Identifies, assesses, and provides services to children and families in an effort to protect children, preserve families, whenever possible, and prevent further maltreatment. Child Protective Services is non-punitive in its approach and is directed toward enabling families to provide adequate care for their children. Local departments of social services are responsible for receiving reports of abuse and neglect; conducting investigations to determine the validity of the CPS reports; and providing services that enhance child safety and prevent further abuse and neglect to families and children. Develops statewide public awareness and education programs and administers state and federal grants to prevent abuse and neglect.
Physical Address
253 Chamber Drive, Tazewell, VA 24651
1-800-552-7096 toll free available 24/7
(276) 988-2765
(276) 988-2765
Application process
Walk-ins and telephone referrals.
Service area
Tazewell, VA
Agency info
Tazewell County Social Services
Provides assistance to citizens of Tazewell County with programs fighting poverty, neglect, and abuse, and strengthening community and self-sufficiency