
Insurance Counseling - Waynesboro, VICAP, Valley Program for Aging Services

Helps Medicare beneficiaries and the public find answers to questions about Medicare, Medicare supplements and managed care, long term care insurance, and other health insurance matters. Provides in person appointments and telephone counseling, information & referral, problem solving, and follow-up pertaining to Medicare questions, plus impartial consumer counseling about health insurance and LTC insurance. Contact Intake Coordinator.

Physical Address

325 Pine Avenue, Waynesboro, VA 22980


(540) 949-7143


(540) 949-7143

Application process

Contact the VPAS office for more information.


Donations accepted and appreciated.

Service area

Waynesboro, VA Staunton, VA Augusta, VA

Agency info

Valley Program for Aging Services

Valley Program for Aging Services (VPAS) is the designated Area Agency on Aging for Planning District 6, providing a wide range of in-home and community-based services and referral, information & assistance for individuals 60 years and older and their caregivers. These services help support individuals to live independently in their home for as long as possible.