
Homelessness Prevention - Culpeper, Central Intake, Foothills Housing Network

Foothills Housing Network (FHN) is a partnership of organizations that provide emergency shelter, transitional housing, rapid re-housing, targeted homeless prevention, and permanent supportive housing for individuals and families in the Virginia counties of Culpeper, Fauquier, Madison, Orange, and Rappahannock. FHN Coordinated Entry is the point of contact for residents requesting assistance for homeless services.

Physical Address

420 Southridge Parkway, Culpeper, VA 22701

Application process

Requests for assistance are made through the Central Entry Call Center. Callers will be asked to leave a message and calls will be returned as soon as possible, usually by the next business day. The Call Center will conduct a screening to determine eligibility for FHN programs. If eligible, the request will be referred to an FHN Service Provider, who will contact the applicant to schedule an appointment for a full intake.



Service area

Madison, VA Culpeper, VA Fauquier, VA Rappahannock, VA

Agency info

Foothills Housing Network

Partnership of organizations working to prevent and end homelessness within the Rappahannock-Rapidan Region (Virginia Planning District 9): Culpeper, Fauquier, Madison, Orange, and Rappahannock counties.