Vocational Rehabilitation - Richmond, PABSS, disAbility Law Center of Virginia
Funded by the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999, the Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security Program is funded by the Social Security Administration. The Ticket to Work system provides eligible SSI and SSDI beneficiaries with a "ticket" that they can use to obtain vocational rehabilitation (VR), employment services, and other support services from an Employment Network (EN) of their choice. dLCV advocates for Social Security beneficiaries to break down barriers to employment under the PABSS program.
Physical Address
1512 Willow Lawn Drive, Richmond, VA 23230
Monday: 08:30 AM - 04:00 PM; Friday: 08:30 AM - 04:00 PM
(804) 662-7431
Application process
If you would like to request our services, you can use our online request portal at www.dlcv.org/get-help. That portal is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can also call us Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM, and ask to speak with our advocate on duty. You can reach us at (800) 552-3962 (toll-free). We may not be able to respond as quickly as we normally do, but it is our intent to respond to all who contact us.
Service area
Agency info
disAbility Law Center of Virginia
The disAbility Law Center helps with disability-related problems like abuse, neglect, and discrimination. We also help people with disabilities obtain services and treatment. Individuals with problems, targeted in our program goals, may also receive advocacy services and/or legal representation. The disAbility Law Center of Virginia?s mission is to advance independence, choice and self-determination; protect legal, human and civil rights; and eliminate abuse, neglect and discrimination of people with disabilities through zealous and uncompromising legal advocacy and representation.