Pregnancy Center - Front Royal, Front Royal Pregnancy Center
We help individuals make healthy choices concerning their unexpected or challenging pregnancy. . Services include confidential peer counseling, no cost pregnancy testing, no cost limited purpose pregnancy confirmation ultrasound, pregnancy options counseling, pregnancy related educational resources, mentoring and referrals to other agencies. Also provides baby clothing, supplemental baby formula, baby food, diapers, and maternity clothing, as available. New items, cribs and pack n plays can be earned by on site lessons.
Physical Address
11 South Royal Avenue, Front Royal, VA 22630
(540) 904-0056
Application process
Self referral
Service area
Warren, VA Shenandoah, VA Clarke, VA Rappahannock, VA Page, VA
Agency info
Front Royal Pregnancy Center
Helping individuals make healthy choices concerning sexuality, pregnancy and child-bearing and those with unplanned pregnancies. We serve teens and adults, both married and single. Our services include free and confidential peer counseling, educational resources, material assistance, pregnancy testing, pregnancy confirmation ultrasound, mentoring and referrals to other agencies. Our material assistance program includes but is not limited to baby clothing, baby formula, diapers, maternity clothing, strollers, cribs and other baby items as available. Clients can earn new baby items by doing lessons on site by appointment.