
Financial Aid-Rent- Bristol, Bristol Faith in Action

Provides assistance for rent, rent deposit, full or partial, may be made for housing of a client. Serves residents of Bristol, Virginia and Tennessee and Blountville, Bluff City, and portions of Piney Flats Tennessee. Informs residents of available community resources and may provide some financial resources to those who are experiencing a temporary financial crisis. Must meet eligibility requirements in order to receive assistance.

Physical Address

1556 Euclid Avenue, Bristol, VA 24201


Appointment required for financial assistance.


(276) 466-9503


(276) 466-9503

Application process

Call a week ahead to make an appointment for financial assistance. Everything is done via email and phone. If you think you will be unable to pay a bill or your rent, be proactive and request assistance and get your bill submitted to [email protected] with your name and phone number in the subject line of the email. If there is no name in the subject line, it will not be processed. Rental assistance have your landlord email [email protected]. Rental assistance directions are on the website. No appointments are given without ALL required documentation submitted within three days of request and approved after review. NO screenshots are accepted. Use Adobe Scan (free app) to submit documents if you are struggling. See our website at www.bristolfia.org for complete details on all services and requirements, and instructions. Or, call our main number 276-466-8292 and leave a detailed message. We call twice, please answer your phone. We do not have the staff to make calls day after day trying to reach you. We will call twice. If you have left a message asking us for help, you WILL be called. NO appointments will be given after the third week of the month.


No Fee

Service area

20201 24202 24203 37617 37618 37620 37621 37686

Agency info

Bristol Faith in Action

Provides emergency financial assistance for utilities (electric, heating oil/gas, water), rent, rent deposits for housing authorities only.