Emergency Financial Assistance - Herndon, Herndon-Reston FISH
Herndon-Reston FISH assists local residents in short-term crisis. FISH provides Friendly Instant Sympathetic Help by responding to emergency requests for rent, utilities, medical prescriptions, and other critical needs to stop destabilizing events.
Physical Address
1801 Robert Fulton Drive, Reston, VA 20191
Application process
If you need immediate assistance AND live in Herndon or Reston, CALL Fairfax County Coordinated Services Planning at (703) 222-0880 Monday through Friday from 8AM to 4PM Social workers will collect your information and then ask FISH to assist. We are unable to help you without a referral, so to avoid delays, please call the number above rather than calling or emailing us.
No Fee
Service area
20170 20171 20190 20191 20194
Agency info
Herndon-Reston FISH
Herndon-Reston FISH, Inc. (Friendly, Instant, Sympathetic Help) is a volunteer, non-sectarian, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to helping people in emergencies with short-term needs.