
Health Education - Roanoke, Pediatric Asthma Program, CHIP of Roanoke Valley

Provides structured medical case management and wrap-around services for children birth to seven who have been diagnosed with a respiratory disease or have asthma that is poorly controlled. These services are designed to complement the care an asthmatic child receives through his/her primary care provider or pulmonologist. Through monthly in home evaluations of the child, medical records and individual case consultation with a child's primary care provider or pulmonologist, nurses obtain information about a child's asthma profile including environmental triggers, medications, history of attacks, frequency of emergency visits and hospitalizations, and treatment recommendations. Instructs parents on how to make changes in the home to decrease environmental triggers (dust, pet dander, indoor smoking, mold), how to use and manage their child's medications (including proper dosage), and how to use spacers that make the most of asthma medications. Nurses also instruct parents with regards to managing an asthma attack including how to recognize the signs and symptoms of an impending attack, when to contact the child's primary care provider or pulmonologist, when to take the child in for evaluation, and when to take the child to the Emergency Room. Follow ups with the parent and child's doctor to ensure that treatment recommendations are understood and followed; families with transportation needs can receive transportation through CHIP to any of their child's health care or specialist appointments. Together with parents and physicians, nurses support the development of an Asthma Action Plan that provides clear, easy-to-follow instructions on managing an asthma attack.

Physical Address

1201 Third Street SW, Roanoke, VA 24016


Monday: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM; Tuesday: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM; Thursday: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM; Friday: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM


(540) 857-6999

Application process

Telephone, self, and agency referrals accepted. Appointment required.




Service area

Botetourt, VA

Agency info

Child Health Investment Partnership (CHIP) of Roanoke Valley

Child Health Investment Partnership (CHIP) of Roanoke Valley is an early childhood home visiting program. CHIP of Roanoke pairs pregnant moms, low-income children, birth to first-grade entry, and their guardians with a Community Health Nurse and Family Case Manager to help them access needed medical services, to assist with the management of chronic conditions and to provide developmental education, kindergarten preparation and regular child assessment and monitoring. These services work to help build parenting confidence and to provide support to families as they set and reach goals moving toward self-sufficiency. We also offer supplemental case management services that target specific needs: Prenatal Case Management, Health Care Coordination, Family Strengthening, Medically Needy & NICU Case Management, Oral Health Support, Asthma Case Management and Mental Health Counseling.